Edit D:\AVA\AVAStandard\AVA.ResourcesPlatform.WebUI\CSS\zh-CN\Bsk\js\libs\plugins\jqplot.lineRenderer.js
/** * jqPlot * Pure JavaScript plotting plugin using jQuery * * Version: @VERSION * Revision: @REVISION * * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Chris Leonello * jqPlot is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects * under both the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) and GPL * version 2.0 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) licenses. This means that you can * choose the license that best suits your project and use it accordingly. * * Although not required, the author would appreciate an email letting him * know of any substantial use of jqPlot. You can reach the author at: * chris at jqplot dot com or see http://www.jqplot.com/info.php . * * If you are feeling kind and generous, consider supporting the project by * making a donation at: http://www.jqplot.com/donate.php . * * sprintf functions contained in jqplot.sprintf.js by Ash Searle: * * version 2007.04.27 * author Ash Searle * http://hexmen.com/blog/2007/03/printf-sprintf/ * http://hexmen.com/js/sprintf.js * The author (Ash Searle) has placed this code in the public domain: * "This code is unrestricted: you are free to use it however you like." * */ (function($) { // Class: $.jqplot.LineRenderer // The default line renderer for jqPlot, this class has no options beyond the <Series> class. // Draws series as a line. $.jqplot.LineRenderer = function(){ this.shapeRenderer = new $.jqplot.ShapeRenderer(); this.shadowRenderer = new $.jqplot.ShadowRenderer(); }; // called with scope of series. $.jqplot.LineRenderer.prototype.init = function(options, plot) { // Group: Properties // options = options || {}; this._type='line'; this.renderer.animation = { show: false, direction: 'left', speed: 2500, _supported: true }; // prop: smooth // True to draw a smoothed (interpolated) line through the data points // with automatically computed number of smoothing points. // Set to an integer number > 2 to specify number of smoothing points // to use between each data point. this.renderer.smooth = false; // true or a number > 2 for smoothing. this.renderer.tension = null; // null to auto compute or a number typically > 6. Fewer points requires higher tension. // prop: constrainSmoothing // True to use a more accurate smoothing algorithm that will // not overshoot any data points. False to allow overshoot but // produce a smoother looking line. this.renderer.constrainSmoothing = true; // this is smoothed data in grid coordinates, like gridData this.renderer._smoothedData = []; // this is smoothed data in plot units (plot coordinates), like plotData. this.renderer._smoothedPlotData = []; this.renderer._hiBandGridData = []; this.renderer._lowBandGridData = []; this.renderer._hiBandSmoothedData = []; this.renderer._lowBandSmoothedData = []; // prop: bandData // Data used to draw error bands or confidence intervals above/below a line. // // bandData can be input in 3 forms. jqPlot will figure out which is the // low band line and which is the high band line for all forms: // // A 2 dimensional array like [[yl1, yl2, ...], [yu1, yu2, ...]] where // [yl1, yl2, ...] are y values of the lower line and // [yu1, yu2, ...] are y values of the upper line. // In this case there must be the same number of y data points as data points // in the series and the bands will inherit the x values of the series. // // A 2 dimensional array like [[[xl1, yl1], [xl2, yl2], ...], [[xh1, yh1], [xh2, yh2], ...]] // where [xl1, yl1] are x,y data points for the lower line and // [xh1, yh1] are x,y data points for the high line. // x values do not have to correspond to the x values of the series and can // be of any arbitrary length. // // Can be of form [[yl1, yu1], [yl2, yu2], [yl3, yu3], ...] where // there must be 3 or more arrays and there must be the same number of arrays // as there are data points in the series. In this case, // [yl1, yu1] specifies the lower and upper y values for the 1st // data point and so on. The bands will inherit the x // values from the series. this.renderer.bandData = []; // Group: bands // Banding around line, e.g error bands or confidence intervals. this.renderer.bands = { // prop: show // true to show the bands. If bandData or interval is // supplied, show will be set to true by default. show: false, hiData: [], lowData: [], // prop: color // color of lines at top and bottom of bands [default: series color]. color: this.color, // prop: showLines // True to show lines at top and bottom of bands [default: false]. showLines: false, // prop: fill // True to fill area between bands [default: true]. fill: true, // prop: fillColor // css color spec for filled area. [default: series color]. fillColor: null, _min: null, _max: null, // prop: interval // User specified interval above and below line for bands [default: '3%'']. // Can be a value like 3 or a string like '3%' // or an upper/lower array like [1, -2] or ['2%', '-1.5%'] interval: '3%' }; var lopts = {highlightMouseOver: options.highlightMouseOver, highlightMouseDown: options.highlightMouseDown, highlightColor: options.highlightColor}; delete (options.highlightMouseOver); delete (options.highlightMouseDown); delete (options.highlightColor); $.extend(true, this.renderer, options); this.renderer.options = options; // if we are given some band data, and bands aren't explicity set to false in options, turn them on. if (this.renderer.bandData.length > 1 && (!options.bands || options.bands.show == null)) { this.renderer.bands.show = true; } // if we are given an interval, and bands aren't explicity set to false in options, turn them on. else if (options.bands && options.bands.show == null && options.bands.interval != null) { this.renderer.bands.show = true; } // if plot is filled, turn off bands. if (this.fill) { this.renderer.bands.show = false; } if (this.renderer.bands.show) { this.renderer.initBands.call(this, this.renderer.options, plot); } // smoothing is not compatible with stacked lines, disable if (this._stack) { this.renderer.smooth = false; } // set the shape renderer options var opts = {lineJoin:this.lineJoin, lineCap:this.lineCap, fill:this.fill, isarc:false, strokeStyle:this.color, fillStyle:this.fillColor, lineWidth:this.lineWidth, linePattern:this.linePattern, closePath:this.fill}; this.renderer.shapeRenderer.init(opts); var shadow_offset = options.shadowOffset; // set the shadow renderer options if (shadow_offset == null) { // scale the shadowOffset to the width of the line. if (this.lineWidth > 2.5) { shadow_offset = 1.25 * (1 + (Math.atan((this.lineWidth/2.5))/0.785398163 - 1)*0.6); // var shadow_offset = this.shadowOffset; } // for skinny lines, don't make such a big shadow. else { shadow_offset = 1.25 * Math.atan((this.lineWidth/2.5))/0.785398163; } } var sopts = {lineJoin:this.lineJoin, lineCap:this.lineCap, fill:this.fill, isarc:false, angle:this.shadowAngle, offset:shadow_offset, alpha:this.shadowAlpha, depth:this.shadowDepth, lineWidth:this.lineWidth, linePattern:this.linePattern, closePath:this.fill}; this.renderer.shadowRenderer.init(sopts); this._areaPoints = []; this._boundingBox = [[],[]]; if (!this.isTrendline && this.fill || this.renderer.bands.show) { // Group: Properties // // prop: highlightMouseOver // True to highlight area on a filled plot when moused over. // This must be false to enable highlightMouseDown to highlight when clicking on an area on a filled plot. this.highlightMouseOver = true; // prop: highlightMouseDown // True to highlight when a mouse button is pressed over an area on a filled plot. // This will be disabled if highlightMouseOver is true. this.highlightMouseDown = false; // prop: highlightColor // color to use when highlighting an area on a filled plot. this.highlightColor = null; // if user has passed in highlightMouseDown option and not set highlightMouseOver, disable highlightMouseOver if (lopts.highlightMouseDown && lopts.highlightMouseOver == null) { lopts.highlightMouseOver = false; } $.extend(true, this, {highlightMouseOver: lopts.highlightMouseOver, highlightMouseDown: lopts.highlightMouseDown, highlightColor: lopts.highlightColor}); if (!this.highlightColor) { var fc = (this.renderer.bands.show) ? this.renderer.bands.fillColor : this.fillColor; this.highlightColor = $.jqplot.computeHighlightColors(fc); } // turn off (disable) the highlighter plugin if (this.highlighter) { this.highlighter.show = false; } } if (!this.isTrendline && plot) { plot.plugins.lineRenderer = {}; plot.postInitHooks.addOnce(postInit); plot.postDrawHooks.addOnce(postPlotDraw); plot.eventListenerHooks.addOnce('jqplotMouseMove', handleMove); plot.eventListenerHooks.addOnce('jqplotMouseDown', handleMouseDown); plot.eventListenerHooks.addOnce('jqplotMouseUp', handleMouseUp); plot.eventListenerHooks.addOnce('jqplotClick', handleClick); plot.eventListenerHooks.addOnce('jqplotRightClick', handleRightClick); } }; $.jqplot.LineRenderer.prototype.initBands = function(options, plot) { // use bandData if no data specified in bands option //var bd = this.renderer.bandData; var bd = options.bandData || []; var bands = this.renderer.bands; bands.hiData = []; bands.lowData = []; var data = this.data; bands._max = null; bands._min = null; // If 2 arrays, and each array greater than 2 elements, assume it is hi and low data bands of y values. if (bd.length == 2) { // Do we have an array of x,y values? // like [[[1,1], [2,4], [3,3]], [[1,3], [2,6], [3,5]]] if ($.isArray(bd[0][0])) { // since an arbitrary array of points, spin through all of them to determine max and min lines. var p; var bdminidx = 0, bdmaxidx = 0; for (var i = 0, l = bd[0].length; i<l; i++) { p = bd[0][i]; if ((p[1] != null && p[1] > bands._max) || bands._max == null) { bands._max = p[1]; } if ((p[1] != null && p[1] < bands._min) || bands._min == null) { bands._min = p[1]; } } for (var i = 0, l = bd[1].length; i<l; i++) { p = bd[1][i]; if ((p[1] != null && p[1] > bands._max) || bands._max == null) { bands._max = p[1]; bdmaxidx = 1; } if ((p[1] != null && p[1] < bands._min) || bands._min == null) { bands._min = p[1]; bdminidx = 1; } } if (bdmaxidx === bdminidx) { bands.show = false; } bands.hiData = bd[bdmaxidx]; bands.lowData = bd[bdminidx]; } // else data is arrays of y values // like [[1,4,3], [3,6,5]] // must have same number of band data points as points in series else if (bd[0].length === data.length && bd[1].length === data.length) { var hi = (bd[0][0] > bd[1][0]) ? 0 : 1; var low = (hi) ? 0 : 1; for (var i=0, l=data.length; i < l; i++) { bands.hiData.push([data[i][0], bd[hi][i]]); bands.lowData.push([data[i][0], bd[low][i]]); } } // we don't have proper data array, don't show bands. else { bands.show = false; } } // if more than 2 arrays, have arrays of [ylow, yhi] values. // note, can't distinguish case of [[ylow, yhi], [ylow, yhi]] from [[ylow, ylow], [yhi, yhi]] // this is assumed to be of the latter form. else if (bd.length > 2 && !$.isArray(bd[0][0])) { var hi = (bd[0][0] > bd[0][1]) ? 0 : 1; var low = (hi) ? 0 : 1; for (var i=0, l=bd.length; i<l; i++) { bands.hiData.push([data[i][0], bd[i][hi]]); bands.lowData.push([data[i][0], bd[i][low]]); } } // don't have proper data, auto calculate else { var intrv = bands.interval; var a = null; var b = null; var afunc = null; var bfunc = null; if ($.isArray(intrv)) { a = intrv[0]; b = intrv[1]; } else { a = intrv; } if (isNaN(a)) { // we have a string if (a.charAt(a.length - 1) === '%') { afunc = 'multiply'; a = parseFloat(a)/100 + 1; } } else { a = parseFloat(a); afunc = 'add'; } if (b !== null && isNaN(b)) { // we have a string if (b.charAt(b.length - 1) === '%') { bfunc = 'multiply'; b = parseFloat(b)/100 + 1; } } else if (b !== null) { b = parseFloat(b); bfunc = 'add'; } if (a !== null) { if (b === null) { b = -a; bfunc = afunc; if (bfunc === 'multiply') { b += 2; } } // make sure a always applies to hi band. if (a < b) { var temp = a; a = b; b = temp; temp = afunc; afunc = bfunc; bfunc = temp; } for (var i=0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) { switch (afunc) { case 'add': bands.hiData.push([data[i][0], data[i][1] + a]); break; case 'multiply': bands.hiData.push([data[i][0], data[i][1] * a]); break; } switch (bfunc) { case 'add': bands.lowData.push([data[i][0], data[i][1] + b]); break; case 'multiply': bands.lowData.push([data[i][0], data[i][1] * b]); break; } } } else { bands.show = false; } } var hd = bands.hiData; var ld = bands.lowData; for (var i = 0, l = hd.length; i<l; i++) { if ((hd[i][1] != null && hd[i][1] > bands._max) || bands._max == null) { bands._max = hd[i][1]; } } for (var i = 0, l = ld.length; i<l; i++) { if ((ld[i][1] != null && ld[i][1] < bands._min) || bands._min == null) { bands._min = ld[i][1]; } } // one last check for proper data // these don't apply any more since allowing arbitrary x,y values // if (bands.hiData.length != bands.lowData.length) { // bands.show = false; // } // if (bands.hiData.length != this.data.length) { // bands.show = false; // } if (bands.fillColor === null) { var c = $.jqplot.getColorComponents(bands.color); // now adjust alpha to differentiate fill c[3] = c[3] * 0.5; bands.fillColor = 'rgba(' + c[0] +', '+ c[1] +', '+ c[2] +', '+ c[3] + ')'; } }; function getSteps (d, f) { return (3.4182054+f) * Math.pow(d, -0.3534992); } function computeSteps (d1, d2) { var s = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((d2[0]- d1[0]), 2) + Math.pow ((d2[1] - d1[1]), 2)); return 5.7648 * Math.log(s) + 7.4456; } function tanh (x) { var a = (Math.exp(2*x) - 1) / (Math.exp(2*x) + 1); return a; } ////////// // computeConstrainedSmoothedData // An implementation of the constrained cubic spline interpolation // method as presented in: // // Kruger, CJC, Constrained Cubic Spine Interpolation for Chemical Engineering Applications // http://www.korf.co.uk/spline.pdf // // The implementation below borrows heavily from the sample Visual Basic // implementation by CJC Kruger found in http://www.korf.co.uk/spline.xls // ///////// // called with scope of series function computeConstrainedSmoothedData (gd) { var smooth = this.renderer.smooth; var dim = this.canvas.getWidth(); var xp = this._xaxis.series_p2u; var yp = this._yaxis.series_p2u; var steps =null; var _steps = null; var dist = gd.length/dim; var _smoothedData = []; var _smoothedPlotData = []; if (!isNaN(parseFloat(smooth))) { steps = parseFloat(smooth); } else { steps = getSteps(dist, 0.5); } var yy = []; var xx = []; for (var i=0, l = gd.length; i<l; i++) { yy.push(gd[i][1]); xx.push(gd[i][0]); } function dxx(x1, x0) { if (x1 - x0 == 0) { return Math.pow(10,10); } else { return x1 - x0; } } var A, B, C, D; // loop through each line segment. Have # points - 1 line segments. Nmber segments starting at 1. var nmax = gd.length - 1; for (var num = 1, gdl = gd.length; num<gdl; num++) { var gxx = []; var ggxx = []; // point at each end of segment. for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) { var i = num - 1 + j; // point number, 0 to # points. if (i == 0 || i == nmax) { gxx[j] = Math.pow(10, 10); } else if (yy[i+1] - yy[i] == 0 || yy[i] - yy[i-1] == 0) { gxx[j] = 0; } else if (((xx[i+1] - xx[i]) / (yy[i+1] - yy[i]) + (xx[i] - xx[i-1]) / (yy[i] - yy[i-1])) == 0 ) { gxx[j] = 0; } else if ( (yy[i+1] - yy[i]) * (yy[i] - yy[i-1]) < 0 ) { gxx[j] = 0; } else { gxx[j] = 2 / (dxx(xx[i + 1], xx[i]) / (yy[i + 1] - yy[i]) + dxx(xx[i], xx[i - 1]) / (yy[i] - yy[i - 1])); } } // Reset first derivative (slope) at first and last point if (num == 1) { // First point has 0 2nd derivative gxx[0] = 3 / 2 * (yy[1] - yy[0]) / dxx(xx[1], xx[0]) - gxx[1] / 2; } else if (num == nmax) { // Last point has 0 2nd derivative gxx[1] = 3 / 2 * (yy[nmax] - yy[nmax - 1]) / dxx(xx[nmax], xx[nmax - 1]) - gxx[0] / 2; } // Calc second derivative at points ggxx[0] = -2 * (gxx[1] + 2 * gxx[0]) / dxx(xx[num], xx[num - 1]) + 6 * (yy[num] - yy[num - 1]) / Math.pow(dxx(xx[num], xx[num - 1]), 2); ggxx[1] = 2 * (2 * gxx[1] + gxx[0]) / dxx(xx[num], xx[num - 1]) - 6 * (yy[num] - yy[num - 1]) / Math.pow(dxx(xx[num], xx[num - 1]), 2); // Calc constants for cubic interpolation D = 1 / 6 * (ggxx[1] - ggxx[0]) / dxx(xx[num], xx[num - 1]); C = 1 / 2 * (xx[num] * ggxx[0] - xx[num - 1] * ggxx[1]) / dxx(xx[num], xx[num - 1]); B = (yy[num] - yy[num - 1] - C * (Math.pow(xx[num], 2) - Math.pow(xx[num - 1], 2)) - D * (Math.pow(xx[num], 3) - Math.pow(xx[num - 1], 3))) / dxx(xx[num], xx[num - 1]); A = yy[num - 1] - B * xx[num - 1] - C * Math.pow(xx[num - 1], 2) - D * Math.pow(xx[num - 1], 3); var increment = (xx[num] - xx[num - 1]) / steps; var temp, tempx; for (var j = 0, l = steps; j < l; j++) { temp = []; tempx = xx[num - 1] + j * increment; temp.push(tempx); temp.push(A + B * tempx + C * Math.pow(tempx, 2) + D * Math.pow(tempx, 3)); _smoothedData.push(temp); _smoothedPlotData.push([xp(temp[0]), yp(temp[1])]); } } _smoothedData.push(gd[i]); _smoothedPlotData.push([xp(gd[i][0]), yp(gd[i][1])]); return [_smoothedData, _smoothedPlotData]; } /////// // computeHermiteSmoothedData // A hermite spline smoothing of the plot data. // This implementation is derived from the one posted // by krypin on the jqplot-users mailing list: // // http://groups.google.com/group/jqplot-users/browse_thread/thread/748be6a445723cea?pli=1 // // with a blog post: // // http://blog.statscollector.com/a-plugin-renderer-for-jqplot-to-draw-a-hermite-spline/ // // and download of the original plugin: // // http://blog.statscollector.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/jqplot.hermiteSplineRenderer.js ////////// // called with scope of series function computeHermiteSmoothedData (gd) { var smooth = this.renderer.smooth; var tension = this.renderer.tension; var dim = this.canvas.getWidth(); var xp = this._xaxis.series_p2u; var yp = this._yaxis.series_p2u; var steps =null; var _steps = null; var a = null; var a1 = null; var a2 = null; var slope = null; var slope2 = null; var temp = null; var t, s, h1, h2, h3, h4; var TiX, TiY, Ti1X, Ti1Y; var pX, pY, p; var sd = []; var spd = []; var dist = gd.length/dim; var min, max, stretch, scale, shift; var _smoothedData = []; var _smoothedPlotData = []; if (!isNaN(parseFloat(smooth))) { steps = parseFloat(smooth); } else { steps = getSteps(dist, 0.5); } if (!isNaN(parseFloat(tension))) { tension = parseFloat(tension); } for (var i=0, l = gd.length-1; i < l; i++) { if (tension === null) { slope = Math.abs((gd[i+1][1] - gd[i][1]) / (gd[i+1][0] - gd[i][0])); min = 0.3; max = 0.6; stretch = (max - min)/2.0; scale = 2.5; shift = -1.4; temp = slope/scale + shift; a1 = stretch * tanh(temp) - stretch * tanh(shift) + min; // if have both left and right line segments, will use minimum tension. if (i > 0) { slope2 = Math.abs((gd[i][1] - gd[i-1][1]) / (gd[i][0] - gd[i-1][0])); } temp = slope2/scale + shift; a2 = stretch * tanh(temp) - stretch * tanh(shift) + min; a = (a1 + a2)/2.0; } else { a = tension; } for (t=0; t < steps; t++) { s = t / steps; h1 = (1 + 2*s)*Math.pow((1-s),2); h2 = s*Math.pow((1-s),2); h3 = Math.pow(s,2)*(3-2*s); h4 = Math.pow(s,2)*(s-1); if (gd[i-1]) { TiX = a * (gd[i+1][0] - gd[i-1][0]); TiY = a * (gd[i+1][1] - gd[i-1][1]); } else { TiX = a * (gd[i+1][0] - gd[i][0]); TiY = a * (gd[i+1][1] - gd[i][1]); } if (gd[i+2]) { Ti1X = a * (gd[i+2][0] - gd[i][0]); Ti1Y = a * (gd[i+2][1] - gd[i][1]); } else { Ti1X = a * (gd[i+1][0] - gd[i][0]); Ti1Y = a * (gd[i+1][1] - gd[i][1]); } pX = h1*gd[i][0] + h3*gd[i+1][0] + h2*TiX + h4*Ti1X; pY = h1*gd[i][1] + h3*gd[i+1][1] + h2*TiY + h4*Ti1Y; p = [pX, pY]; _smoothedData.push(p); _smoothedPlotData.push([xp(pX), yp(pY)]); } } _smoothedData.push(gd[l]); _smoothedPlotData.push([xp(gd[l][0]), yp(gd[l][1])]); return [_smoothedData, _smoothedPlotData]; } // setGridData // converts the user data values to grid coordinates and stores them // in the gridData array. // Called with scope of a series. $.jqplot.LineRenderer.prototype.setGridData = function(plot) { // recalculate the grid data var xp = this._xaxis.series_u2p; var yp = this._yaxis.series_u2p; var data = this._plotData; var pdata = this._prevPlotData; this.gridData = []; this._prevGridData = []; this.renderer._smoothedData = []; this.renderer._smoothedPlotData = []; this.renderer._hiBandGridData = []; this.renderer._lowBandGridData = []; this.renderer._hiBandSmoothedData = []; this.renderer._lowBandSmoothedData = []; var bands = this.renderer.bands; var hasNull = false; for (var i=0, l=data.length; i < l; i++) { // if not a line series or if no nulls in data, push the converted point onto the array. if (data[i][0] != null && data[i][1] != null) { this.gridData.push([xp.call(this._xaxis, data[i][0]), yp.call(this._yaxis, data[i][1])]); } // else if there is a null, preserve it. else if (data[i][0] == null) { hasNull = true; this.gridData.push([null, yp.call(this._yaxis, data[i][1])]); } else if (data[i][1] == null) { hasNull = true; this.gridData.push([xp.call(this._xaxis, data[i][0]), null]); } // if not a line series or if no nulls in data, push the converted point onto the array. if (pdata[i] != null && pdata[i][0] != null && pdata[i][1] != null) { this._prevGridData.push([xp.call(this._xaxis, pdata[i][0]), yp.call(this._yaxis, pdata[i][1])]); } // else if there is a null, preserve it. else if (pdata[i] != null && pdata[i][0] == null) { this._prevGridData.push([null, yp.call(this._yaxis, pdata[i][1])]); } else if (pdata[i] != null && pdata[i][0] != null && pdata[i][1] == null) { this._prevGridData.push([xp.call(this._xaxis, pdata[i][0]), null]); } } // don't do smoothing or bands on broken lines. if (hasNull) { this.renderer.smooth = false; if (this._type === 'line') { bands.show = false; } } if (this._type === 'line' && bands.show) { for (var i=0, l=bands.hiData.length; i<l; i++) { this.renderer._hiBandGridData.push([xp.call(this._xaxis, bands.hiData[i][0]), yp.call(this._yaxis, bands.hiData[i][1])]); } for (var i=0, l=bands.lowData.length; i<l; i++) { this.renderer._lowBandGridData.push([xp.call(this._xaxis, bands.lowData[i][0]), yp.call(this._yaxis, bands.lowData[i][1])]); } } // calculate smoothed data if enough points and no nulls if (this._type === 'line' && this.renderer.smooth && this.gridData.length > 2) { var ret; if (this.renderer.constrainSmoothing) { ret = computeConstrainedSmoothedData.call(this, this.gridData); this.renderer._smoothedData = ret[0]; this.renderer._smoothedPlotData = ret[1]; if (bands.show) { ret = computeConstrainedSmoothedData.call(this, this.renderer._hiBandGridData); this.renderer._hiBandSmoothedData = ret[0]; ret = computeConstrainedSmoothedData.call(this, this.renderer._lowBandGridData); this.renderer._lowBandSmoothedData = ret[0]; } ret = null; } else { ret = computeHermiteSmoothedData.call(this, this.gridData); this.renderer._smoothedData = ret[0]; this.renderer._smoothedPlotData = ret[1]; if (bands.show) { ret = computeHermiteSmoothedData.call(this, this.renderer._hiBandGridData); this.renderer._hiBandSmoothedData = ret[0]; ret = computeHermiteSmoothedData.call(this, this.renderer._lowBandGridData); this.renderer._lowBandSmoothedData = ret[0]; } ret = null; } } }; // makeGridData // converts any arbitrary data values to grid coordinates and // returns them. This method exists so that plugins can use a series' // linerenderer to generate grid data points without overwriting the // grid data associated with that series. // Called with scope of a series. $.jqplot.LineRenderer.prototype.makeGridData = function(data, plot) { // recalculate the grid data var xp = this._xaxis.series_u2p; var yp = this._yaxis.series_u2p; var gd = []; var pgd = []; this.renderer._smoothedData = []; this.renderer._smoothedPlotData = []; this.renderer._hiBandGridData = []; this.renderer._lowBandGridData = []; this.renderer._hiBandSmoothedData = []; this.renderer._lowBandSmoothedData = []; var bands = this.renderer.bands; var hasNull = false; for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) { // if not a line series or if no nulls in data, push the converted point onto the array. if (data[i][0] != null && data[i][1] != null) { gd.push([xp.call(this._xaxis, data[i][0]), yp.call(this._yaxis, data[i][1])]); } // else if there is a null, preserve it. else if (data[i][0] == null) { hasNull = true; gd.push([null, yp.call(this._yaxis, data[i][1])]); } else if (data[i][1] == null) { hasNull = true; gd.push([xp.call(this._xaxis, data[i][0]), null]); } } // don't do smoothing or bands on broken lines. if (hasNull) { this.renderer.smooth = false; if (this._type === 'line') { bands.show = false; } } if (this._type === 'line' && bands.show) { for (var i=0, l=bands.hiData.length; i<l; i++) { this.renderer._hiBandGridData.push([xp.call(this._xaxis, bands.hiData[i][0]), yp.call(this._yaxis, bands.hiData[i][1])]); } for (var i=0, l=bands.lowData.length; i<l; i++) { this.renderer._lowBandGridData.push([xp.call(this._xaxis, bands.lowData[i][0]), yp.call(this._yaxis, bands.lowData[i][1])]); } } if (this._type === 'line' && this.renderer.smooth && gd.length > 2) { var ret; if (this.renderer.constrainSmoothing) { ret = computeConstrainedSmoothedData.call(this, gd); this.renderer._smoothedData = ret[0]; this.renderer._smoothedPlotData = ret[1]; if (bands.show) { ret = computeConstrainedSmoothedData.call(this, this.renderer._hiBandGridData); this.renderer._hiBandSmoothedData = ret[0]; ret = computeConstrainedSmoothedData.call(this, this.renderer._lowBandGridData); this.renderer._lowBandSmoothedData = ret[0]; } ret = null; } else { ret = computeHermiteSmoothedData.call(this, gd); this.renderer._smoothedData = ret[0]; this.renderer._smoothedPlotData = ret[1]; if (bands.show) { ret = computeHermiteSmoothedData.call(this, this.renderer._hiBandGridData); this.renderer._hiBandSmoothedData = ret[0]; ret = computeHermiteSmoothedData.call(this, this.renderer._lowBandGridData); this.renderer._lowBandSmoothedData = ret[0]; } ret = null; } } return gd; }; // called within scope of series. $.jqplot.LineRenderer.prototype.draw = function(ctx, gd, options, plot) { var i; // get a copy of the options, so we don't modify the original object. var opts = $.extend(true, {}, options); var shadow = (opts.shadow != undefined) ? opts.shadow : this.shadow; var showLine = (opts.showLine != undefined) ? opts.showLine : this.showLine; var fill = (opts.fill != undefined) ? opts.fill : this.fill; var fillAndStroke = (opts.fillAndStroke != undefined) ? opts.fillAndStroke : this.fillAndStroke; var xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; ctx.save(); if (gd.length) { if (showLine) { // if we fill, we'll have to add points to close the curve. if (fill) { if (this.fillToZero) { // have to break line up into shapes at axis crossings var negativeColor = this.negativeColor; if (! this.useNegativeColors) { negativeColor = opts.fillStyle; } var isnegative = false; var posfs = opts.fillStyle; // if stoking line as well as filling, get a copy of line data. if (fillAndStroke) { var fasgd = gd.slice(0); } // if not stacked, fill down to axis if (this.index == 0 || !this._stack) { var tempgd = []; var pd = (this.renderer.smooth) ? this.renderer._smoothedPlotData : this._plotData; this._areaPoints = []; var pyzero = this._yaxis.series_u2p(this.fillToValue); var pxzero = this._xaxis.series_u2p(this.fillToValue); opts.closePath = true; if (this.fillAxis == 'y') { tempgd.push([gd[0][0], pyzero]); this._areaPoints.push([gd[0][0], pyzero]); for (var i=0; i<gd.length-1; i++) { tempgd.push(gd[i]); this._areaPoints.push(gd[i]); // do we have an axis crossing? if (pd[i][1] * pd[i+1][1] < 0) { if (pd[i][1] < 0) { isnegative = true; opts.fillStyle = negativeColor; } else { isnegative = false; opts.fillStyle = posfs; } var xintercept = gd[i][0] + (gd[i+1][0] - gd[i][0]) * (pyzero-gd[i][1])/(gd[i+1][1] - gd[i][1]); tempgd.push([xintercept, pyzero]); this._areaPoints.push([xintercept, pyzero]); // now draw this shape and shadow. if (shadow) { this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, tempgd, opts); } this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, tempgd, opts); // now empty temp array and continue tempgd = [[xintercept, pyzero]]; // this._areaPoints = [[xintercept, pyzero]]; } } if (pd[gd.length-1][1] < 0) { isnegative = true; opts.fillStyle = negativeColor; } else { isnegative = false; opts.fillStyle = posfs; } tempgd.push(gd[gd.length-1]); this._areaPoints.push(gd[gd.length-1]); tempgd.push([gd[gd.length-1][0], pyzero]); this._areaPoints.push([gd[gd.length-1][0], pyzero]); } // now draw the last area. if (shadow) { this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, tempgd, opts); } this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, tempgd, opts); // var gridymin = this._yaxis.series_u2p(0); // // IE doesn't return new length on unshift // gd.unshift([gd[0][0], gridymin]); // len = gd.length; // gd.push([gd[len - 1][0], gridymin]); } // if stacked, fill to line below else { var prev = this._prevGridData; for (var i=prev.length; i>0; i--) { gd.push(prev[i-1]); // this._areaPoints.push(prev[i-1]); } if (shadow) { this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, gd, opts); } this._areaPoints = gd; this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, gd, opts); } } ///////////////////////// // Not filled to zero //////////////////////// else { // if stoking line as well as filling, get a copy of line data. if (fillAndStroke) { var fasgd = gd.slice(0); } // if not stacked, fill down to axis if (this.index == 0 || !this._stack) { // var gridymin = this._yaxis.series_u2p(this._yaxis.min) - this.gridBorderWidth / 2; var gridymin = ctx.canvas.height; // IE doesn't return new length on unshift gd.unshift([gd[0][0], gridymin]); var len = gd.length; gd.push([gd[len - 1][0], gridymin]); } // if stacked, fill to line below else { var prev = this._prevGridData; for (var i=prev.length; i>0; i--) { gd.push(prev[i-1]); } } this._areaPoints = gd; if (shadow) { this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, gd, opts); } this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, gd, opts); } if (fillAndStroke) { var fasopts = $.extend(true, {}, opts, {fill:false, closePath:false}); this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, fasgd, fasopts); ////////// // TODO: figure out some way to do shadows nicely // if (shadow) { // this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, fasgd, fasopts); // } // now draw the markers if (this.markerRenderer.show) { if (this.renderer.smooth) { fasgd = this.gridData; } for (i=0; i<fasgd.length; i++) { this.markerRenderer.draw(fasgd[i][0], fasgd[i][1], ctx, opts.markerOptions); } } } } else { if (this.renderer.bands.show) { var bdat; var bopts = $.extend(true, {}, opts); if (this.renderer.bands.showLines) { bdat = (this.renderer.smooth) ? this.renderer._hiBandSmoothedData : this.renderer._hiBandGridData; this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, bdat, opts); bdat = (this.renderer.smooth) ? this.renderer._lowBandSmoothedData : this.renderer._lowBandGridData; this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, bdat, bopts); } if (this.renderer.bands.fill) { if (this.renderer.smooth) { bdat = this.renderer._hiBandSmoothedData.concat(this.renderer._lowBandSmoothedData.reverse()); } else { bdat = this.renderer._hiBandGridData.concat(this.renderer._lowBandGridData.reverse()); } this._areaPoints = bdat; bopts.closePath = true; bopts.fill = true; bopts.fillStyle = this.renderer.bands.fillColor; this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, bdat, bopts); } } if (shadow) { this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, gd, opts); } this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, gd, opts); } } // calculate the bounding box var xmin = xmax = ymin = ymax = null; for (i=0; i<this._areaPoints.length; i++) { var p = this._areaPoints[i]; if (xmin > p[0] || xmin == null) { xmin = p[0]; } if (ymax < p[1] || ymax == null) { ymax = p[1]; } if (xmax < p[0] || xmax == null) { xmax = p[0]; } if (ymin > p[1] || ymin == null) { ymin = p[1]; } } if (this.type === 'line' && this.renderer.bands.show) { ymax = this._yaxis.series_u2p(this.renderer.bands._min); ymin = this._yaxis.series_u2p(this.renderer.bands._max); } this._boundingBox = [[xmin, ymax], [xmax, ymin]]; // now draw the markers if (this.markerRenderer.show && !fill) { if (this.renderer.smooth) { gd = this.gridData; } for (i=0; i<gd.length; i++) { if (gd[i][0] != null && gd[i][1] != null) { this.markerRenderer.draw(gd[i][0], gd[i][1], ctx, opts.markerOptions); } } } } ctx.restore(); }; $.jqplot.LineRenderer.prototype.drawShadow = function(ctx, gd, options) { // This is a no-op, shadows drawn with lines. }; // called with scope of plot. // make sure to not leave anything highlighted. function postInit(target, data, options) { for (var i=0; i<this.series.length; i++) { if (this.series[i].renderer.constructor == $.jqplot.LineRenderer) { // don't allow mouseover and mousedown at same time. if (this.series[i].highlightMouseOver) { this.series[i].highlightMouseDown = false; } } } } // called within context of plot // create a canvas which we can draw on. // insert it before the eventCanvas, so eventCanvas will still capture events. function postPlotDraw() { // Memory Leaks patch if (this.plugins.lineRenderer && this.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightCanvas) { this.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightCanvas.resetCanvas(); this.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightCanvas = null; } this.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightedSeriesIndex = null; this.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightCanvas = new $.jqplot.GenericCanvas(); this.eventCanvas._elem.before(this.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightCanvas.createElement(this._gridPadding, 'jqplot-lineRenderer-highlight-canvas', this._plotDimensions, this)); this.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightCanvas.setContext(); this.eventCanvas._elem.bind('mouseleave', {plot:this}, function (ev) { unhighlight(ev.data.plot); }); } function highlight (plot, sidx, pidx, points) { var s = plot.series[sidx]; var canvas = plot.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightCanvas; canvas._ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas._ctx.canvas.width, canvas._ctx.canvas.height); s._highlightedPoint = pidx; plot.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightedSeriesIndex = sidx; var opts = {fillStyle: s.highlightColor}; if (s.type === 'line' && s.renderer.bands.show) { opts.fill = true; opts.closePath = true; } s.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(canvas._ctx, points, opts); canvas = null; } function unhighlight (plot) { var canvas = plot.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightCanvas; canvas._ctx.clearRect(0,0, canvas._ctx.canvas.width, canvas._ctx.canvas.height); for (var i=0; i<plot.series.length; i++) { plot.series[i]._highlightedPoint = null; } plot.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightedSeriesIndex = null; plot.target.trigger('jqplotDataUnhighlight'); canvas = null; } function handleMove(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) { if (neighbor) { var ins = [neighbor.seriesIndex, neighbor.pointIndex, neighbor.data]; var evt1 = jQuery.Event('jqplotDataMouseOver'); evt1.pageX = ev.pageX; evt1.pageY = ev.pageY; plot.target.trigger(evt1, ins); if (plot.series[ins[0]].highlightMouseOver && !(ins[0] == plot.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightedSeriesIndex)) { var evt = jQuery.Event('jqplotDataHighlight'); evt.which = ev.which; evt.pageX = ev.pageX; evt.pageY = ev.pageY; plot.target.trigger(evt, ins); highlight (plot, neighbor.seriesIndex, neighbor.pointIndex, neighbor.points); } } else if (neighbor == null) { unhighlight (plot); } } function handleMouseDown(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) { if (neighbor) { var ins = [neighbor.seriesIndex, neighbor.pointIndex, neighbor.data]; if (plot.series[ins[0]].highlightMouseDown && !(ins[0] == plot.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightedSeriesIndex)) { var evt = jQuery.Event('jqplotDataHighlight'); evt.which = ev.which; evt.pageX = ev.pageX; evt.pageY = ev.pageY; plot.target.trigger(evt, ins); highlight (plot, neighbor.seriesIndex, neighbor.pointIndex, neighbor.points); } } else if (neighbor == null) { unhighlight (plot); } } function handleMouseUp(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) { var idx = plot.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightedSeriesIndex; if (idx != null && plot.series[idx].highlightMouseDown) { unhighlight(plot); } } function handleClick(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) { if (neighbor) { var ins = [neighbor.seriesIndex, neighbor.pointIndex, neighbor.data]; var evt = jQuery.Event('jqplotDataClick'); evt.which = ev.which; evt.pageX = ev.pageX; evt.pageY = ev.pageY; plot.target.trigger(evt, ins); } } function handleRightClick(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) { if (neighbor) { var ins = [neighbor.seriesIndex, neighbor.pointIndex, neighbor.data]; var idx = plot.plugins.lineRenderer.highlightedSeriesIndex; if (idx != null && plot.series[idx].highlightMouseDown) { unhighlight(plot); } var evt = jQuery.Event('jqplotDataRightClick'); evt.which = ev.which; evt.pageX = ev.pageX; evt.pageY = ev.pageY; plot.target.trigger(evt, ins); } } })(jQuery);
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