Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\2222\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\vmware-2.log
2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: Log for VMware Workstation pid=6852 version=14.1.1 build=build-7528167 option=Release 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: The process is 64-bit. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: Host codepage=windows-936 encoding=GBK 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: Host is Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition, 64-bit (Build 9600) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.048+08:00| vmx| I125: VTHREAD initialize main thread 1 "vmx" host id 2192 2018-11-27T15:33:10.048+08:00| vmx| I125: LOCALE GBK -> zh_CN User=804 System=804 2018-11-27T15:33:10.048+08:00| vmx| I125: Msg_SetLocaleEx: HostLocale=GBK UserLocale=zh_CN 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\VMware\config.ini": The system cannot find the file specified. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: Msg_Reset: 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\VMware\config.ini": The system cannot find the file specified. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: ---------------------------------------- 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: ConfigDB: Failed to load C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\VMware\config.ini 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: OBJLIB-LIB: Objlib initialized. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\VMware\config.ini": The system cannot find the file specified. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\VMware\config.ini": The system cannot find the file specified. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: PREF Optional preferences file not found at C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\VMware\config.ini. Using default values. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: UUID: SMBIOS UUID is reported as 'a8 4f d1 bb af 59 e8 11-ac e2 ed a5 e2 6c ce 0a'. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileLockDynaLink: Further process validation tools are: available 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: lib/ssl: OpenSSL using FIPS_drbg for RAND 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2 (openssl flags 0x17000000) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: lib/ssl: cipher list !aNULL:kECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AESGCM:RSA+AESGCM:kECDH+AES:ECDH+AES:RSA+AES 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\ADMINI~1): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.142+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vmware-Administrator): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.157+08:00| vmx| I125: Hostname=WIN-3PIMCL4OH3L 2018-11-27T15:33:10.157+08:00| vmx| I125: IP=fe80::99ac:db9d:3333:9e49%13 2018-11-27T15:33:10.157+08:00| vmx| I125: IP=fe80::11c2:df2c:c8a2:89d9%17 2018-11-27T15:33:10.157+08:00| vmx| I125: IP=fe80::39b8:3b0c:74fb:b5f9%16 2018-11-27T15:33:10.157+08:00| vmx| I125: IP= 2018-11-27T15:33:10.157+08:00| vmx| I125: IP= 2018-11-27T15:33:10.157+08:00| vmx| I125: IP= 2018-11-27T15:33:10.189+08:00| vmx| I125: System uptime 13714232139 us 2018-11-27T15:33:10.189+08:00| vmx| I125: Command line: "D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\x64\vmware-vmx.exe" "-E" "zh_CN" "-s" "vmx.stdio.keep=TRUE" "-#" "product=1;name=VMware Workstation;version=14.1.1;buildnumber=7528167;licensename=VMware Workstation;licenseversion=14.0;" "-@" "pipe=\\.\pipe\vmx43e2f3c311ef786b;msgs=ui" "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmx" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.189+08:00| vmx| I125: Msg_SetLocaleEx: HostLocale=GBK UserLocale=zh_CN 2018-11-27T15:33:10.314+08:00| vmx| I125: WQPoolAllocPoll : pollIx = 1, signalHandle = 500 2018-11-27T15:33:10.314+08:00| vmx| I125: WQPoolAllocPoll : pollIx = 2, signalHandle = 552 2018-11-27T15:33:10.314+08:00| vmx| I125: VigorTransport listening on fd 564 2018-11-27T15:33:10.314+08:00| vmx| I125: Vigor_Init 1 2018-11-27T15:33:10.314+08:00| vmx| I125: Connecting 'ui' to pipe '\\.\pipe\vmx43e2f3c311ef786b' with user '(null)' 2018-11-27T15:33:10.314+08:00| vmx| I125: VMXVmdb: Local connection timeout: 60000 ms. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.376+08:00| vmx| I125: VmdbAddConnection: cnxPath=/db/connection/#1/, cnxIx=1 2018-11-27T15:33:10.376+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:490]: VMAutomation: Initializing VMAutomation. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.376+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:746]: VMAutomationOpenListenerSocket() listening 2018-11-27T15:33:10.376+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=0, newAppState=1870, success=1 additionalError=0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.376+08:00| vmx| I125: Transitioned vmx/execState/val to poweredOff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.376+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=1, newAppState=1873, success=1 additionalError=0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.376+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=2, newAppState=1877, success=1 additionalError=0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.376+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=3, newAppState=1881, success=1 additionalError=0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.392+08:00| vmx| I125: IOPL_VBSRunning: Failed to connect to WMI namespace[error=0x8004100e] 2018-11-27T15:33:10.392+08:00| vmx| I125: IOCTL_VMX86_SET_MEMORY_PARAMS already set 2018-11-27T15:33:10.392+08:00| vmx| I125: FeatureCompat: No EVC masks. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID vendor: GenuineIntel 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID family: 0x6 model: 0x4f stepping: 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID codename: Broadwell EP/EN/EX 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000000, 0: 0x00000014 0x756e6547 0x6c65746e 0x49656e69 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x00100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000002, 0: 0x76036301 0x00f0b5ff 0x00000000 0x00c30000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000003, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000004, 0: 0x1c004121 0x01c0003f 0x0000003f 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000004, 1: 0x1c004122 0x01c0003f 0x0000003f 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000004, 2: 0x1c004143 0x01c0003f 0x000001ff 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000004, 3: 0x1c03c163 0x04c0003f 0x00003fff 0x00000006 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000004, 4: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000005, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00002120 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000006, 0: 0x00000077 0x00000002 0x00000009 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000007, 0: 0x00000000 0x021cbfbb 0x00000000 0x0c000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000008, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000009, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000a, 0: 0x07300403 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000603 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000c, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 0: 0x00000007 0x00000340 0x00000340 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1: 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2: 0x00000100 0x00000240 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 4: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 5: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 6: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 7: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 8: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 9: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, a: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, b: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, c: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, d: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, e: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, f: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 10: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 11: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 12: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 13: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 14: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 15: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 16: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 17: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 18: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 19: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1a: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1b: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1c: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1d: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1e: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1f: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 20: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 21: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 22: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 23: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 24: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 25: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.407+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 26: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 27: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 28: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 29: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2a: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2b: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2c: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2d: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2e: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2f: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 30: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 31: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 32: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 33: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 34: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 35: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 36: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 37: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 38: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 39: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3a: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3b: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3c: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3d: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3e: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3f: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000e, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000f, 0: 0x00000000 0x0000003f 0x00000000 0x00000002 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000f, 1: 0x00000000 0x00008000 0x0000003f 0x00000007 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000010, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000011, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000012, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000012, 1: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000012, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000012, 3: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000013, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000014, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000014, 1: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000000, 0: 0x80000008 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000001, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000121 0x2c100800 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000002, 0: 0x65746e49 0x2952286c 0x6f655820 0x2952286e 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000003, 0: 0x55504320 0x2d354520 0x30323632 0x20347620 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000004, 0: 0x2e322040 0x48473031 0x0000007a 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000005, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000006, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x01006040 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000007, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000100 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000008, 0: 0x0000302e 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID differences from hostCPUID. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[1] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x01100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[1] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000001 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[1] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000001 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[1] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000001 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[2] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x02100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[2] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000002 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[2] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000002 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[2] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000002 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[3] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x03100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[3] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000003 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[3] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000003 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[3] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000003 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[4] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x04100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[4] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000004 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[4] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000004 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[4] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000004 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[5] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x05100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[5] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000005 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[5] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000005 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[5] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000005 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[6] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x06100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[6] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000006 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[6] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000006 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[6] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000006 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[7] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x07100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[7] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000007 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[7] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000007 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[7] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000007 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[8] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x08100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[8] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000008 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[8] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000008 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[8] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000008 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[9] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x09100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[9] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000009 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[9] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000009 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[9] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000009 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[10] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x0a100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[10] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x0000000a 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[10] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x0000000a 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[10] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000000a 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[11] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x0b100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[11] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x0000000b 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[11] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x0000000b 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[11] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000000b 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[12] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x0c100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[12] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x0000000c 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[12] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x0000000c 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[12] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000000c 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[13] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x0d100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[13] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x0000000d 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[13] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x0000000d 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[13] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000000d 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[14] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x0e100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[14] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x0000000e 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[14] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x0000000e 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[14] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000000e 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[15] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x0f100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[15] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x0000000f 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[15] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x0000000f 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[15] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000000f 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[16] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x10100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[16] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000010 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[16] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000010 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[16] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000010 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[17] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x11100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[17] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000011 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[17] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000011 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[17] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000011 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[18] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x12100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[18] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000012 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[18] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000012 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[18] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000012 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[19] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x13100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[19] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000013 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[19] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000013 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[19] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000013 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[20] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x14100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[20] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000014 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[20] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000014 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[20] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000014 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[21] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x15100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[21] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000015 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[21] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000015 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[21] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000015 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[22] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x16100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[22] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000016 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[22] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000016 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[22] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000016 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[23] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x17100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[23] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000017 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[23] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000017 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[23] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000017 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[24] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x18100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[24] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000018 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[24] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000018 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[24] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000018 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[25] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x19100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[25] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000019 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[25] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000019 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[25] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000019 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[26] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x1a100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[26] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x0000001a 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[26] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x0000001a 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[26] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000001a 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[27] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x1b100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[27] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x0000001b 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[27] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x0000001b 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[27] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000001b 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[28] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x1c100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[28] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x0000001c 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[28] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x0000001c 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[28] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000001c 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[29] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x1d100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[29] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x0000001d 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[29] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x0000001d 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[29] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000001d 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[30] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x1e100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[30] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x0000001e 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[30] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x0000001e 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[30] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000001e 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[31] level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x1f100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[31] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x0000001f 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[31] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x0000001f 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID[31] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000001f 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: CPUID Maximum Physical Address Bits supported across all CPUs: 46 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x3a = 0x5 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x480 = 0xda040000000012 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x481 = 0xff00000016 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x482 = 0xfff9fffe0401e172 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x483 = 0x7fffff00036dff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x484 = 0xffff000011ff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x485 = 0x300481e5 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x486 = 0x80000021 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x487 = 0xffffffff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x488 = 0x2000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x489 = 0x3767ff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x48a = 0x2a 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x48b = 0x77fff00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x48c = 0xf0106334141 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x48d = 0xff00000016 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x48e = 0xfff9fffe04006172 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x48f = 0x7fffff00036dfb 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x490 = 0xffff000011fb 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0x491 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0xc0010114 = 0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0xce = 0x20080c3bf2811500 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: VMMon_GetkHzEstimate: Calculated 2095148 kHz 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: HOSTINFO: Host supports constant rate TSC. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: TSC kHz estimates: vmmon 2095148, remembered 0, osReported 2101000. Using 2095148 kHz. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: TSC first measured delta 833 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: TSC min delta 706 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: PTSC: RefClockToPTSC 0 @ 2046043Hz -> 0 @ 2095148000Hz 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: PTSC: RefClockToPTSC ((x * 4294967230) >> 22) + -184595694278 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: PTSC: tscOffset -150576869155433 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: PTSC: using TSC 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: PTSC: hardware TSCs are synchronized. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: PTSC: hardware TSCs may have been adjusted by the host. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: PTSC: current PTSC=28549972885658 2018-11-27T15:33:10.423+08:00| vmx| I125: WQPoolAllocPoll : pollIx = 3, signalHandle = 736 2018-11-27T15:33:10.501+08:00| vmx| I125: ConfigCheck: No rules file found. Checks are disabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.501+08:00| vmx| I125: changing directory to C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.501+08:00| vmx| I125: Config file: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmx 2018-11-27T15:33:10.501+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=1, newAppState=1873, success=1 additionalError=0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.501+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=2, newAppState=1878, success=1 additionalError=0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.501+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.501+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\ADMINI~1): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.501+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.501+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.501+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.501+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vmware-Administrator): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.501+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileDeletionRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\vmware-Administrator\vmware-vmx-6852.log): The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process (32) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.548+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting sata0:1.fileName = "auto detect" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.579+08:00| vmx| I125: VMXVmdbCbVmVmxExecState: Exec state change requested to state poweredOn without reset, soft, softOptionTimeout: 0. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.579+08:00| vmx| I125: Tools: sending 'OS_PowerOn' (state = 3) state change request 2018-11-27T15:33:10.579+08:00| vmx| I125: Tools: Delaying state change request to state 3. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.579+08:00| vmx| W115: PowerOn 2018-11-27T15:33:10.579+08:00| vmx| I125: VMX_PowerOn: VMX build 7528167, UI build 7528167 2018-11-27T15:33:10.579+08:00| vmx| I125: HostWin32: WIN32 NUMA node 0, CPU mask 0x000000000000ffff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.579+08:00| vmx| I125: HostWin32: WIN32 NUMA node 1, CPU mask 0x00000000ffff0000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=0, newAppState=1871, success=1 additionalError=0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: HOST Windows version 6.3, build 9600, platform 2, "" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT printers.enabled = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- NON PERSISTENT (null) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- USER PREFERENCES C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\VMware\preferences.ini 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.updatesVersionIgnore.numItems = "1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.updatesVersionIgnore0.key = "paid" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.updatesVersionIgnore0.value = "0d0429a8-d054-4f86-adfc-2740b2354c54" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.lastUpdateCheckSec = "1543290379" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.keyboardAndMouse.vmHotKey.enabled = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.keyboardAndMouse.vmHotKey.count = "0" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT vmWizard.guestKey = "longhorn-64" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT vmWizard.installMediaType = "iso" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.hostMRU.count = "1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.hostMRU0.name = "localhost" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.hostMRU0.type = "vim" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window.count = "1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.tab.count = "1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.tab0.cnxType = "vmdb" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.tab1.cnxType = "vmdb" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.sidebar = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.sidebar.width = "200" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.statusBar = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.tabs = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.thumbnailBar = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.thumbnailBar.size = "100" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.thumbnailBar.view = "opened-vms" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.placement.left = "105" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.placement.top = "49" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.placement.right = "961" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.placement.bottom = "606" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.maximized = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.license.maxNum = "1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.license0.version = "14.0" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.license0.registrationViewed = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.license0.lastEvalReminder = "30" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT vmWizard.isoLocationMRU.count = "1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT vmWizard.isoLocationMRU0.location = "D:\AVA\SW_DVD5_Windows_Svr_2008w_SP2_ChnSimp__x64_DC_EE_SE_X15-41319.ISO" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT hints.hideAll = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.tab0.dest = "" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.tab0.file = "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmx" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.tab0.type = "vm" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.ws.session.window0.tab0.focused = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.usbDev.maxDevs = "2" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.usbDev0.deviceID = "0781-5567-4C530000370426104582" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.usbDev0.showInStatusbar = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.usbDev0.iconID = "6" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT hint.usb.generic.stopDevice = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT hint.vmui.showAllUSBDevs = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.usbDev1.deviceID = "0781-5591-4C531001500128122341" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.usbDev1.showInStatusbar = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.usbDev1.iconID = "19" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pref.fullscreen.autohide = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- USER DEFAULTS C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\VMware\config.ini 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT authd.client.port = "903" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT authd.proxy.nfc = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfc" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.autoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = "yes" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.autoSoftwareUpdateEnabled.epoch = "30801" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.componentDownloadEnabled = "yes" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.dataCollectionEnabled = "yes" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.dataCollectionEnabled.epoch = "30801" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT authd.client.port = "903" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT authd.proxy.nfc = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfc" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.autoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = "yes" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.autoSoftwareUpdateEnabled.epoch = "30801" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.componentDownloadEnabled = "yes" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.dataCollectionEnabled = "yes" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.dataCollectionEnabled.epoch = "30801" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- NONPERSISTENT 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT vmx.stdio.keep = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT gui.available = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- COMMAND LINE 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT vmx.stdio.keep = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT gui.available = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- RECORDING 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT vmx.stdio.keep = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT gui.available = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- CONFIGURATION C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmx 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT config.version = "8" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT virtualHW.version = "14" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge0.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge4.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge4.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge4.functions = "8" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge5.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge5.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge5.functions = "8" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge6.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge6.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge6.functions = "8" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge7.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge7.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge7.functions = "8" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT hpet0.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT displayName = "Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT guestOS = "longhorn-64" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT nvram = "Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).nvram" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT powerType.powerOff = "soft" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT powerType.powerOn = "soft" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT powerType.suspend = "soft" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT powerType.reset = "soft" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT tools.syncTime = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sound.startConnected = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sound.autoDetect = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sound.virtualDev = "hdaudio" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sound.fileName = "-1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sound.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT vcpu.hotadd = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT memsize = "7800" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT mem.hotadd = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT scsi0.virtualDev = "lsisas1068" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT scsi0.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sata0.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT scsi0:0.fileName = "Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmdk" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT scsi0:0.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sata0:1.deviceType = "cdrom-raw" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sata0:1.fileName = "auto detect" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sata0:1.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT ethernet0.addressType = "generated" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT serial0.fileType = "thinprint" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT serial0.fileName = "thinprint" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT ethernet0.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT serial0.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT extendedConfigFile = "Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmxf" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT uuid.bios = "56 4d 8b fe 13 ef 05 cb-16 fa b8 6d 3b 5f 6c 97" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT uuid.location = "56 4d 8b fe 13 ef 05 cb-16 fa b8 6d 3b 5f 6c 97" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT migrate.hostlog = ".\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)-d486e9f3.hlog" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT scsi0:0.redo = "" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber = "17" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = "21" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = "22" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = "23" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = "24" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT scsi0.pciSlotNumber = "160" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb.pciSlotNumber = "32" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "33" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sound.pciSlotNumber = "34" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sata0.pciSlotNumber = "37" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT scsi0.sasWWID = "50 05 05 6e 13 ef 05 c0" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0C:29:5F:6C:97" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT monitor.phys_bits_used = "43" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT vmotion.checkpointFBSize = "4194304" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT vmotion.checkpointSVGAPrimarySize = "33554432" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.595+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT cleanShutdown = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT softPowerOff = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb:1.speed = "2" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb:1.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb:1.deviceType = "hub" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb:1.port = "1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb:1.parent = "-1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sata0:1.autodetect = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT tools.remindInstall = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT toolsInstallManager.updateCounter = "2" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT toolsInstallManager.lastInstallError = "21004" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT svga.guestBackedPrimaryAware = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT checkpoint.vmState = "" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb.vbluetooth.startConnected = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT vmci0.present = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT floppy0.present = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb.generic.allowHID = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb_xhci.present = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb_xhci.pciSlotNumber = "-1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb_xhci.autoConnect.device0 = "" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb_xhci.autoConnect.device1 = "" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT sata0:1.startConnected = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT gui.lastPoweredViewMode = "fullscreen" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT tools.upgrade.policy = "useGlobal" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT ehci.pciSlotNumber = "35" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT ehci.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb.autoConnect.device0 = "path:1/1/0/5 autoclean:1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT ethernet0.linkStatePropagation.enable = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb:0.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb:0.deviceType = "hid" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb:0.port = "0" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT usb:0.parent = "-1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT unity.wasCapable = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- USER DEFAULTS C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\VMware\config.ini 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT authd.client.port = "903" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT authd.proxy.nfc = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfc" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.autoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = "yes" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.autoSoftwareUpdateEnabled.epoch = "30801" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.componentDownloadEnabled = "yes" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.dataCollectionEnabled = "yes" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.dataCollectionEnabled.epoch = "30801" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT authd.client.port = "903" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT authd.proxy.nfc = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfc" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.autoSoftwareUpdateEnabled = "yes" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.autoSoftwareUpdateEnabled.epoch = "30801" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.componentDownloadEnabled = "yes" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.dataCollectionEnabled = "yes" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT installerDefaults.dataCollectionEnabled.epoch = "30801" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: DICT printers.enabled = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: open of D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig failed: Could not find the file 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Unable to read signature file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig', ignoring. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO 'windows.iso' for 'longhorn-64' guest. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.611+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=1, newAppState=1873, success=1 additionalError=0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Host VT-x Capabilities: 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Basic VMX Information (0x00da040000000012) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: VMCS revision ID 18 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: VMCS region length 1024 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: VMX physical-address width natural 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: SMM dual-monitor mode yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Advanced INS/OUTS info yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: True VMX MSRs yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: VMCS memory type WB 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: True Pin-Based VM-Execution Controls (0x000000ff00000016) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: External-interrupt exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: NMI exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Virtual NMIs {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Activate VMX-preemption timer {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Process posted interrupts {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: True Primary Processor-Based VM-Execution Controls (0xfff9fffe04006172) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Interrupt-window exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Use TSC offsetting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: HLT exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: INVLPG exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: MWAIT exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: RDPMC exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: RDTSC exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: CR3-load exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: CR3-store exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: CR8-load exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: CR8-store exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Use TPR shadow {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: NMI-window exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: MOV-DR exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Unconditional I/O exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Use I/O bitmaps {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Monitor trap flag {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Use MSR bitmaps {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: MONITOR exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: PAUSE exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Activate secondary controls {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Secondary Processor-Based VM-Execution Controls (0x00077fff00000000) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Virtualize APIC accesses {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Enable EPT {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Descriptor-table exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Enable RDTSCP {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Virtualize x2APIC mode {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Enable VPID {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: WBINVD exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Unrestricted guest {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: APIC-register virtualization {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Virtual-interrupt delivery {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: PAUSE-loop exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: RDRAND exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Enable INVPCID {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Enable VM Functions {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Use VMCS shadowing {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Enable ENCLS/ENCLU { 0 } 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: RDSEED exiting {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Enable PML {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: EPT-violation #VE {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Enable XSAVES/XRSTORS { 0 } 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Mode-based execute control for EPT { 0 } 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Use TSC scaling { 0 } 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: True VM-Exit Controls (0x007fffff00036dfb) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Save debug controls {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Host address-space size {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Load IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Acknowledge interrupt on exit {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Save IA32_PAT {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Load IA32_PAT {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Save IA32_EFER {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Load IA32_EFER {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Save VMX-preemption timer {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: True VM-Entry Controls (0x0000ffff000011fb) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Load debug controls {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: IA-32e mode guest {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Entry to SMM {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Deactivate dual-monitor mode {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Load IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Load IA32_PAT {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Load IA32_EFER {0,1} 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: VPID and EPT Capabilities (0x00000f0106334141) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: R=0/W=0/X=1 yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Page-walk length 3 yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: EPT memory type WB yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: 2MB super-page yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: 1GB super-page yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: INVEPT support yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Access & Dirty Bits yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Advanced VM exit information for EPT violations no 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Type 1 INVEPT yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Type 2 INVEPT yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: INVVPID support yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Type 0 INVVPID yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Type 1 INVVPID yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Type 2 INVVPID yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Type 3 INVVPID yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Miscellaneous VMX Data (0x00000000300481e5) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: TSC to preemption timer ratio 5 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: VM-Exit saves EFER.LMA yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Activity State HLT yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Activity State shutdown yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Activity State wait-for-SIPI yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: CR3 targets supported 4 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Maximum MSR list size 512 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Allow all VMWRITEs yes 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Allow zero instruction length no 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: MSEG revision ID 0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Processor trace in VMX no 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: VMX-Fixed Bits in CR0 (0x0000000080000021/0x00000000ffffffff) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Fixed to 0 0xffffffff00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Fixed to 1 0x0000000080000021 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Variable 0x000000007fffffde 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: VMX-Fixed Bits in CR4 (0x0000000000002000/0x00000000003767ff) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Fixed to 0 0xffffffffffc89800 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Fixed to 1 0x0000000000002000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Variable 0x00000000003747ff 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: VMCS Enumeration (0x000000000000002a) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Highest index 0x15 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Functions (0x0000000000000001) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: Function 0 (EPTP-switching) supported. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: hostCpuFeatures = 0x14fd 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: hostNumGenPerfCounters = 4 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: hostNumFixedPerfCounters = 3 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: hostPerfCtrArch = 3 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem_PowerOn: initial admission: paged 340929 nonpaged 6612 anonymous 8422 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: VMMEM: Initial Reservation: 1390MB (MainMem=7800MB) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched_PowerOn: balloon minGuestSize 157286 (80% of min required size 196608) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: reserved mem (in MB) min 128 max 57239 recommended 57239 2018-11-27T15:33:10.626+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: pg 340929 np 6612 anon 8422 mem 1996800 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: numvm 1 locked pages: num 0 max 14644992 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: locked Page Limit: host 15987558 config 14653184 dynam 14981770 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: minmempct 50 minalloc 0 admitted 1 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: numa: Hot add is enabled and vNUMA hot add is disabled, forcing UMA. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| WinNotifyThread| I125: VTHREAD start thread 2 "WinNotifyThread" host id 1000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| WinNotifyThread| I125: WinNotify thread is alive 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: LICENSE using: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Workstation\Dormant\License.ws.14.0.e2.201704' 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vthread-3| I125: VTHREAD start thread 3 "vthread-3" host id 6492 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: PolicyVMXFindPolicyKey: policy file does not exist. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: PolicyVMXFindPolicyKey: policy file does not exist. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: open of D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig failed: Could not find the file 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Unable to read signature file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig', ignoring. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO 'windows.iso' for 'longhorn-64' guest. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: Host IPI vectors: 0x2f 0. Monitor IPI vector: 0, HV IPI vector: 0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: Monitor_PowerOn: HostedVSMP skew tracking is disabled 2018-11-27T15:33:10.673+08:00| vmx| I125: Monitor64_PowerOn() 2018-11-27T15:33:10.689+08:00| vmx| I125: Loaded crosspage: .crosspage. Size = 4096. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.689+08:00| vmx| I125: vmm64-modules: [vmm.vmm64, mmu-hwmmu.vmm64, vprobe-none.vmm64, hv-vt.vmm64, gphys-ept.vmm64, callstack-none.vmm64, vmce-vmce.vmm64, vvtd-none.vmm64, gi-none.vmm64, ahci-ahci.vmm64, ahciRegs=0x0, ahciShared=0x1000, e1000Shared=0x1c00, {UseUnwind}=0x0, numVCPUsAsAddr=0x1, {SharedAreaReservations}=0x2ac0, {rodataSize}=0x1fcba, {textAddr}=0xfffffffffc000000, {textSize}=0x813d6, <MonSrcFile>] 2018-11-27T15:33:10.689+08:00| vmx| I125: vmm64-vcpus: 1 2018-11-27T15:33:10.720+08:00| vmx| I125: KHZEstimate 2095148 2018-11-27T15:33:10.720+08:00| vmx| I125: MHZEstimate 2095 2018-11-27T15:33:10.720+08:00| vmx| I125: NumVCPUs 1 2018-11-27T15:33:10.720+08:00| vmx| I125: MonTimer: host does not have high resolution timers. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.720+08:00| vmx| I125: UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d 85 3a da cb f8 01-25 e7 bb 26 bf e3 9a 8b 2018-11-27T15:33:10.720+08:00| vmx| I125: UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d 8b fe 13 ef 05 cb-16 fa b8 6d 3b 5f 6c 97 2018-11-27T15:33:10.720+08:00| vmx| I125: UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d 8b fe 13 ef 05 cb-16 fa b8 6d 3b 5f 6c 97 2018-11-27T15:33:10.720+08:00| vmx| I125: AIOGNRC: numThreads=17 ide=0, scsi=1, passthru=0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.720+08:00| vmx| I125: WORKER: Creating new group with numThreads=17 (17) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.907+08:00| vmx| I125: WORKER: Creating new group with numThreads=1 (18) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.907+08:00| vmx| I125: MainMem: CPT Host WZ=0 PF=7800 D=0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.907+08:00| vmx| I125: MainMem: CPT PLS=1 PLR=1 BS=1 BlkP=32 Mult=4 W=50 2018-11-27T15:33:10.907+08:00| vmx| I125: UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d 8b fe 13 ef 05 cb-16 fa b8 6d 3b 5f 6c 97 2018-11-27T15:33:10.907+08:00| vmx| I125: MainMem: Opened paging file, 'C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\564d8bfe-13ef-05cb-16fa-b86d3b5f6c97.vmem'. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.907+08:00| vmx| I125: MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime 2018-11-27T15:33:10.907+08:00| vmx| I125: MStat: Creating Stat vm.suspendTime 2018-11-27T15:33:10.907+08:00| vmx| I125: MStat: Creating Stat vm.powerOnTimeStamp 2018-11-27T15:33:10.907+08:00| vmx| I125: VMXAIOMGR: Using: simple=Compl 2018-11-27T15:33:10.907+08:00| aioCompletion| I125: VTHREAD start thread 4 "aioCompletion" host id 5368 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: WORKER: Creating new group with numThreads=1 (19) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: WORKER: Creating new group with numThreads=16 (35) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: MigrateBusMemPrealloc: BusMem preallocation begins. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: MigrateBusMemPrealloc: BusMem preallocation completes. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion 28551019785010 @ 2095148000Hz -> 0 @ 2095148000Hz 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion ((x * 2147483648) >> 31) + -28551019785010 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: Disabling TSC scaling since host does not support it. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: TSC offsetting enabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: timeTracker.globalProgressMaxAllowanceMS: 2000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: timeTracker.globalProgressToAllowanceNS: 1000 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting scsi0:0.redo = "" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: DISK: OPEN scsi0:0 'C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmdk' ??? R[] 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [0]: "Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmdk" (0xa) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-LINK : Opened 'C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmdk' (0xa): monolithicSparse, 83886080 sectors / 40 GB. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmdk" (flags 0xa, type monolithicSparse). 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: DiskGetGeometry: Reading of disk partition table 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: DISK: Disk 'C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmdk' has UUID '60 00 c2 90 00 08 ce 8e-47 43 84 89 de b3 b0 19' 2018-11-27T15:33:10.923+08:00| vmx| I125: DISK: OPEN 'C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmdk' Geo (5221/255/63) BIOS Geo (5221/255/63) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: DISKUTILWIN32: DiskUtilW32IsATASSDDevice: Failed to send ATA IDENTIFY command to the target device. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: DISKUTILWIN32: DiskUtilW32ScsiGetInqPage: Could not obtain inquiry page 177 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: DISK: Opening disks took 11 ms. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Search for USB devices to connect [path:1/1/0/5 autoclean:1] 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Initializing 'Virtual Hub' backend 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Initializing 'Generic' backend 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Initializing 'Virtual HID' backend 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Initializing 'Remote Device' backend 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| sensorThread| I125: VTHREAD start thread 5 "sensorThread" host id 4060 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: RemoteUSBVMX: Retrieved hostId [a8 4f d1 bb af 59 e8 11-ac e2 ed a5 e2 6c ce 0a] 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: RemoteUSBVMX: Protocol version min:15 current:16 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: RemoteUSBVMX: no delay setting is TRUE. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Initializing 'Virtual Mass Storage' backend 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Initializing 'Virtual RNG' backend 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Initializing 'Virtual CCID' backend 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| sensorThread| W115: SensorLib: Failed to create instace of ISensorManager: Class not registered (80040154) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB-CCID: Could not establish context: SCARD_E_NO_SERVICE(0x8010001d). 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB-CCID: Could not establish context: SCARD_E_NO_SERVICE(0x8010001d). 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Initializing 'Virtual Bluetooth' backend 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Initializing 'Virtual Audio' backend 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| usbCCIDEnumCards| I125: VTHREAD start thread 6 "usbCCIDEnumCards" host id 3240 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Initializing 'Virtual Video' backend 2018-11-27T15:33:10.939+08:00| usbCCIDEnumCards| I125: USB-CCID: Card enum thread created. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| vmx| I125: USBGW: Skipping disk backing for file (C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmx). 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| vmx| I125: USBGW: Skipping disk backing for file (C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmdk). 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| vmx| I125: USBGW: Skipping disk backing for file (C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmsd). 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| vmx| I125: USBGW: Skipping disk backing for file (C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).nvram). 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| vmx| I125: MKS PowerOn 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| usbCCIDEnumCards| I125: USB-CCID: Could not establish context: SCARD_E_NO_SERVICE(0x8010001d). 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: VTHREAD start thread 7 "mks" host id 6404 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: MKS thread is alive 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mouse| I125: VTHREAD start thread 8 "mouse" host id 2640 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| kbh| I125: VTHREAD start thread 9 "kbh" host id 1912 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: Win32AllowDnDProxyMessages: Registered setProp: 0xC1C7 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125+ Registered removeProp: 0xC1C0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125+ Registered attachThreadProxy: 0xC1B6 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: MKS Win32: Registering top level window (0x302ce) to receive session change notification. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: Current Display Settings: 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: Display: 0 size: 1024x768 position: (0, 0) name: \\.\DISPLAY1 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: MKS-RenderMain: PowerOn allowed MKSBasicOps 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: MKS-RenderMain: Started MKSBasicOps 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: MKS-RenderMain: Stopping MKSBasicOps 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: MKS-RenderMain: Collecting RenderOps caps from MKSBasicOps 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: MKS-RenderMain: Started MKSBasicOps 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: MKS-RenderMain: Found Full Renderer: MKSBasicOps 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: MKS-RenderMain: MinimalCaps: maxTextureSize=32768 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: MKSControlSocket: MksControl Server listening on fd 1124 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: '' 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: MKSRemoteMgr: Set default display name: Windows Server 2008 x64 (2) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: MKSRemoteMgr: Loading VNC Configuration from VM config file 2018-11-27T15:33:10.954+08:00| mks| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| mks| I125: FILE: FileCreateDirectoryRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\ProgramData\VMware): Cannot create a file when that file already exists (183) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| vmx| I125: VLANCE: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 2 recalcInterval is 20000 us 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| vmx| I125: VMXNET: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 2 recalcInterval is 20000 ticks, dontClusterSize is 128 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| vmx| I125: Chipset version: 0x17 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = "-1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = "-1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = "-1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = "-1" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = "21" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = "22" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = "23" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = "24" 2018-11-27T15:33:10.970+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileDeletionRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmx~): The system cannot find the file specified (2) 2018-11-27T15:33:10.986+08:00| vmx| I125: SCSI: scsi0: intr coalescing: on period=50msec cifTh=4 iopsTh=2000 hlt=0 2018-11-27T15:33:10.986+08:00| vmx| I125: SCSI0: UNTAGGED commands will be converted to ORDER tags. 2018-11-27T15:33:10.986+08:00| vmx| I125: SCSI DEVICE (scsi0:0): Computed value of scsi0:0.useBounceBuffers: default 2018-11-27T15:33:10.986+08:00| vmx| I125: DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : capacity=83886080 logical sector size=512 2018-11-27T15:33:10.986+08:00| vmx| I125: DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : geometry=5221/255/63 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA-GFB: Config settings: autodetect=1, numDisplays=1, maxWidth=2560, maxHeight=1600 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA-GFB: MKS auto-detected resolution target: numDisplays=1, wh(1024, 768) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA-GFB: Desired maximum display topology: wh(3840, 1920) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA-GFB: Autodetected target gfbSize = 33554432 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA-GFB: Using Initial gfbSize = 4194304 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA-GFB: MaxPrimaryMem register = 33554432 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA: Number of displays 2 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA: Truncated maximum resolution for register modes to VRAM size: (VRAM=4194304 bytes, max wh(1176, 885) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA: FIFO capabilities 0x0000077f 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGACaps: Device caps : 0xfdff83e2 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGACaps: Device caps2: 0x00000003 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA3dCaps: host, at power on: 3d disabled 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 0]: 0x00000000 (3D) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 1]: 0x00000000 (MAX_LIGHTS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 2]: 0x00000000 (MAX_TEXTURES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 3]: 0x00000000 (MAX_CLIP_PLANES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 4]: 0x00000000 (VERTEX_SHADER_VERSION) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 5]: 0x00000000 (VERTEX_SHADER) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 6]: 0x00000000 (FRAGMENT_SHADER_VERSION) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 7]: 0x00000000 (FRAGMENT_SHADER) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 8]: 0x00000000 (MAX_RENDER_TARGETS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 9]: 0x00000000 (S23E8_TEXTURES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 10]: 0x00000000 (S10E5_TEXTURES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 11]: 0x00000000 (MAX_FIXED_VERTEXBLEND) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 12]: 0x00000000 (D16_BUFFER_FORMAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 13]: 0x00000000 (D24S8_BUFFER_FORMAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 14]: 0x00000000 (D24X8_BUFFER_FORMAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 15]: 0x00000000 (QUERY_TYPES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 16]: 0x00000000 (TEXTURE_GRADIENT_SAMPLING) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 17]: 0.000000 (MAX_POINT_SIZE) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 18]: 0x00000000 (MAX_SHADER_TEXTURES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 19]: 0x00002000 (MAX_TEXTURE_WIDTH) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 20]: 0x00002000 (MAX_TEXTURE_HEIGHT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 21]: 0x00000000 (MAX_VOLUME_EXTENT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 22]: 0x00000000 (MAX_TEXTURE_REPEAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 23]: 0x00000000 (MAX_TEXTURE_ASPECT_RATIO) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 24]: 0x00000000 (MAX_TEXTURE_ANISOTROPY) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 25]: 0x00000000 (MAX_PRIMITIVE_COUNT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 26]: 0x00000000 (MAX_VERTEX_INDEX) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 27]: 0x00000000 (MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_INSTRUCTIONS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 28]: 0x00000000 (MAX_FRAGMENT_SHADER_INSTRUCTIONS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 29]: 0x00000000 (MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_TEMPS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 30]: 0x00000000 (MAX_FRAGMENT_SHADER_TEMPS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 31]: 0x00000000 (TEXTURE_OPS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 32]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_X8R8G8B8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 33]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_A8R8G8B8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 34]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_A2R10G10B10) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 35]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_X1R5G5B5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 36]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_A1R5G5B5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 37]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_A4R4G4B4) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 38]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_R5G6B5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 39]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_LUMINANCE16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 40]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 41]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_ALPHA8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 42]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_LUMINANCE8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 43]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Z_D16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 44]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Z_D24S8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 45]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Z_D24X8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 46]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_DXT1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 47]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_DXT2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 48]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_DXT3) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 49]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_DXT4) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 50]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_DXT5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 51]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_BUMPX8L8V8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 52]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_A2W10V10U10) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 53]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_BUMPU8V8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 54]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Q8W8V8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 55]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_CxV8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 56]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_R_S10E5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 57]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_R_S23E8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 58]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_RG_S10E5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 59]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_RG_S23E8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 60]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_ARGB_S10E5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 61]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_ARGB_S23E8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 62]: 0x00000000 (MISSING62) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 63]: 0x00000000 (MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_TEXTURES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 64]: 0x00000000 (MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGETS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 65]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_V16U16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 66]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_G16R16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 67]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_A16B16G16R16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 68]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_UYVY) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 69]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_YUY2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 70]: 0x00000000 (MULTISAMPLE_NONMASKABLESAMPLES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 71]: 0x00000000 (MULTISAMPLE_MASKABLESAMPLES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 72]: 0x00000000 (ALPHATOCOVERAGE) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 73]: 0x00000000 (SUPERSAMPLE) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 74]: 0x00000000 (AUTOGENMIPMAPS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 75]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_NV12) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 76]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_AYUV) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 77]: 0x00000000 (MAX_CONTEXT_IDS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 78]: 0x00000000 (MAX_SURFACE_IDS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 79]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Z_DF16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 80]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Z_DF24) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 81]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Z_D24S8_INT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 82]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_ATI1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 83]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_ATI2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 84]: 0x00000000 (DEAD1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 85]: 0x00000000 (VIDEO_DECODE) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 86]: 0x00000000 (VIDEO_PROCESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 87]: 0x00000000 (LINE_AA) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 88]: 0x00000000 (LINE_STIPPLE) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 89]: 0.000000 (MAX_LINE_WIDTH) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 90]: 0.000000 (MAX_AA_LINE_WIDTH) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 91]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_YV12) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 92]: 0x00000000 (DEAD3) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 93]: 0x00000001 (TS_COLOR_KEY) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 94]: 0x00000000 (DEAD2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 95]: 0x00000000 (DXCONTEXT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 96]: 0x00000000 (MAX_TEXTURE_ARRAY_SIZE) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 97]: 0x00000000 (DX_MAX_VERTEXBUFFERS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 98]: 0x00000000 (DX_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFERS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 99]: 0x00000000 (DX_PROVOKING_VERTEX) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[100]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_X8R8G8B8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[101]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A8R8G8B8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[102]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R5G6B5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[103]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_X1R5G5B5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[104]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A1R5G5B5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[105]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A4R4G4B4) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[106]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_D32) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[107]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_D16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[108]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_D24S8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[109]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_D15S1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[110]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_LUMINANCE8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[111]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[112]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_LUMINANCE16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[113]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[114]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_DXT1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[115]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_DXT2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[116]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_DXT3) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[117]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_DXT4) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[118]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_DXT5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[119]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BUMPU8V8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[120]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BUMPL6V5U5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[121]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BUMPX8L8V8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[122]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_FORMAT_DEAD1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[123]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_ARGB_S10E5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[124]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_ARGB_S23E8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[125]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A2R10G10B10) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[126]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_V8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[127]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Q8W8V8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[128]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_CxV8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[129]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_X8L8V8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[130]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A2W10V10U10) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[131]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_ALPHA8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[132]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R_S10E5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[133]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R_S23E8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[134]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_RG_S10E5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[135]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_RG_S23E8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[136]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BUFFER) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[137]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_D24X8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[138]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_V16U16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[139]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_G16R16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[140]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A16B16G16R16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[141]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_UYVY) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[142]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_YUY2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[143]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_NV12) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[144]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_AYUV) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[145]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32A32_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[146]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32A32_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[147]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32A32_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[148]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[149]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[150]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[151]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[152]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16B16A16_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[153]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16B16A16_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[154]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[155]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16B16A16_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[156]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[157]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[158]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[159]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G8X24_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[160]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[161]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32_FLOAT_X8X24_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[162]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_X32_TYPELESS_G8X24_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[163]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R10G10B10A2_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[164]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R10G10B10A2_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[165]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R11G11B10_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[166]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[167]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[168]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[169]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8B8A8_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[170]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8B8A8_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[171]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[172]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[173]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[174]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[175]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_D32_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[176]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[177]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[178]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R24G8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[179]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[180]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[181]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_X24_TYPELESS_G8_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[182]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[183]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[184]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[185]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[186]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[187]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[188]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[189]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[190]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[191]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[192]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[193]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[194]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[195]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[196]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_P8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[197]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[198]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8_B8G8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[199]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_G8R8_G8B8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[200]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC1_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[201]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[202]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC2_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[203]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[204]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC3_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[205]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[206]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC4_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[207]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_ATI1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[208]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC4_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[209]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC5_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[210]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_ATI2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[211]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC5_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[212]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R10G10B10_XR_BIAS_A2_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[213]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B8G8R8A8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[214]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[215]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B8G8R8X8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[216]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[217]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_DF16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[218]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_DF24) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[219]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_D24S8_INT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[220]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_YV12) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[221]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[222]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[223]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[224]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[225]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[226]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[227]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[228]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[229]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[230]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[231]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[232]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[233]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_D16_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[234]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[235]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC1_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[236]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC2_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[237]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC3_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[238]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B5G6R5_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[239]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[240]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[241]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[242]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC4_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[243]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC5_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[244]: 0x00000000 (ALLOW_D16_L16_COPY) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[245]: 0x00000000 (LOGICOPS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA3dCaps: guest, compatibility level: No-Clamping 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 0]: 0x00000000 (3D) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 1]: 0x00000000 (MAX_LIGHTS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 2]: 0x00000000 (MAX_TEXTURES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 3]: 0x00000000 (MAX_CLIP_PLANES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 4]: 0x00000000 (VERTEX_SHADER_VERSION) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 5]: 0x00000000 (VERTEX_SHADER) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 6]: 0x00000000 (FRAGMENT_SHADER_VERSION) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 7]: 0x00000000 (FRAGMENT_SHADER) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 8]: 0x00000000 (MAX_RENDER_TARGETS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 9]: 0x00000000 (S23E8_TEXTURES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 10]: 0x00000000 (S10E5_TEXTURES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 11]: 0x00000000 (MAX_FIXED_VERTEXBLEND) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 12]: 0x00000000 (D16_BUFFER_FORMAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 13]: 0x00000000 (D24S8_BUFFER_FORMAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 14]: 0x00000000 (D24X8_BUFFER_FORMAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 15]: 0x00000000 (QUERY_TYPES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 16]: 0x00000000 (TEXTURE_GRADIENT_SAMPLING) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 17]: 0.000000 (MAX_POINT_SIZE) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 18]: 0x00000000 (MAX_SHADER_TEXTURES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 19]: 0x00002000 (MAX_TEXTURE_WIDTH) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 20]: 0x00002000 (MAX_TEXTURE_HEIGHT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 21]: 0x00000000 (MAX_VOLUME_EXTENT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 22]: 0x00000000 (MAX_TEXTURE_REPEAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 23]: 0x00000000 (MAX_TEXTURE_ASPECT_RATIO) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 24]: 0x00000000 (MAX_TEXTURE_ANISOTROPY) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 25]: 0x00000000 (MAX_PRIMITIVE_COUNT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 26]: 0x00000000 (MAX_VERTEX_INDEX) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 27]: 0x00000000 (MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_INSTRUCTIONS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 28]: 0x00000000 (MAX_FRAGMENT_SHADER_INSTRUCTIONS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 29]: 0x00000000 (MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_TEMPS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 30]: 0x00000000 (MAX_FRAGMENT_SHADER_TEMPS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 31]: 0x00000000 (TEXTURE_OPS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 32]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_X8R8G8B8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 33]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_A8R8G8B8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 34]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_A2R10G10B10) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 35]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_X1R5G5B5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 36]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_A1R5G5B5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 37]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_A4R4G4B4) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 38]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_R5G6B5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 39]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_LUMINANCE16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 40]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 41]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_ALPHA8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 42]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_LUMINANCE8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 43]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Z_D16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 44]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Z_D24S8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 45]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Z_D24X8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 46]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_DXT1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 47]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_DXT2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 48]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_DXT3) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 49]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_DXT4) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 50]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_DXT5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 51]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_BUMPX8L8V8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 52]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_A2W10V10U10) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 53]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_BUMPU8V8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 54]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Q8W8V8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 55]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_CxV8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 56]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_R_S10E5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 57]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_R_S23E8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 58]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_RG_S10E5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 59]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_RG_S23E8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 60]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_ARGB_S10E5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 61]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_ARGB_S23E8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 62]: 0x00000000 (MISSING62) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 63]: 0x00000000 (MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_TEXTURES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 64]: 0x00000000 (MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGETS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 65]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_V16U16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 66]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_G16R16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 67]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_A16B16G16R16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 68]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_UYVY) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 69]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_YUY2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 70]: 0x00000000 (MULTISAMPLE_NONMASKABLESAMPLES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 71]: 0x00000000 (MULTISAMPLE_MASKABLESAMPLES) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 72]: 0x00000000 (ALPHATOCOVERAGE) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 73]: 0x00000000 (SUPERSAMPLE) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 74]: 0x00000000 (AUTOGENMIPMAPS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 75]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_NV12) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 76]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_AYUV) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 77]: 0x00000000 (MAX_CONTEXT_IDS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 78]: 0x00000000 (MAX_SURFACE_IDS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 79]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Z_DF16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 80]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Z_DF24) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 81]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_Z_D24S8_INT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 82]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_ATI1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 83]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_ATI2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 84]: 0x00000000 (DEAD1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 85]: 0x00000000 (VIDEO_DECODE) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 86]: 0x00000000 (VIDEO_PROCESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 87]: 0x00000000 (LINE_AA) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 88]: 0x00000000 (LINE_STIPPLE) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 89]: 0.000000 (MAX_LINE_WIDTH) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 90]: 0.000000 (MAX_AA_LINE_WIDTH) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 91]: 0x00000000 (SURFACEFMT_YV12) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 92]: 0x00000000 (DEAD3) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 93]: 0x00000000 (TS_COLOR_KEY) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 94]: 0x00000000 (DEAD2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 95]: 0x00000000 (DXCONTEXT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 96]: 0x00000000 (MAX_TEXTURE_ARRAY_SIZE) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 97]: 0x00000000 (DX_MAX_VERTEXBUFFERS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 98]: 0x00000000 (DX_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFERS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[ 99]: 0x00000000 (DX_PROVOKING_VERTEX) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[100]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_X8R8G8B8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[101]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A8R8G8B8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[102]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R5G6B5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[103]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_X1R5G5B5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[104]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A1R5G5B5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[105]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A4R4G4B4) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[106]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_D32) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[107]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_D16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[108]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_D24S8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[109]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_D15S1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[110]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_LUMINANCE8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[111]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[112]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_LUMINANCE16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[113]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[114]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_DXT1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[115]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_DXT2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[116]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_DXT3) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[117]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_DXT4) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[118]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_DXT5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[119]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BUMPU8V8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[120]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BUMPL6V5U5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[121]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BUMPX8L8V8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[122]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_FORMAT_DEAD1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[123]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_ARGB_S10E5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[124]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_ARGB_S23E8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[125]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A2R10G10B10) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[126]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_V8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[127]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Q8W8V8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[128]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_CxV8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[129]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_X8L8V8U8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[130]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A2W10V10U10) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[131]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_ALPHA8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[132]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R_S10E5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[133]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R_S23E8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[134]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_RG_S10E5) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[135]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_RG_S23E8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[136]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BUFFER) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[137]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_D24X8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[138]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_V16U16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[139]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_G16R16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[140]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A16B16G16R16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[141]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_UYVY) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[142]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_YUY2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[143]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_NV12) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[144]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_AYUV) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[145]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32A32_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[146]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32A32_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[147]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32A32_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[148]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[149]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[150]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[151]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[152]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16B16A16_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[153]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16B16A16_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[154]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[155]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16B16A16_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[156]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[157]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[158]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[159]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G8X24_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[160]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[161]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32_FLOAT_X8X24_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[162]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_X32_TYPELESS_G8X24_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[163]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R10G10B10A2_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[164]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R10G10B10A2_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[165]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R11G11B10_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[166]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[167]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[168]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[169]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8B8A8_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[170]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8B8A8_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[171]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[172]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[173]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[174]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[175]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_D32_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[176]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[177]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[178]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R24G8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[179]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[180]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[181]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_X24_TYPELESS_G8_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[182]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[183]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[184]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[185]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[186]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[187]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[188]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[189]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[190]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[191]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[192]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[193]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8_UINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[194]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[195]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8_SINT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[196]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_P8) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[197]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[198]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8_B8G8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[199]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_G8R8_G8B8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[200]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC1_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[201]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[202]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC2_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[203]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[204]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC3_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[205]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[206]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC4_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[207]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_ATI1) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[208]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC4_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[209]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC5_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[210]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_ATI2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[211]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC5_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[212]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R10G10B10_XR_BIAS_A2_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[213]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B8G8R8A8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[214]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[215]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B8G8R8X8_TYPELESS) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[216]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[217]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_DF16) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[218]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_DF24) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[219]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_Z_D24S8_INT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[220]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_YV12) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[221]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[222]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[223]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[224]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32G32_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[225]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[226]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[227]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[228]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[229]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16G16_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[230]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R32_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[231]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R8G8_SNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[232]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_R16_FLOAT) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[233]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_D16_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[234]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_A8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[235]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC1_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[236]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC2_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[237]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC3_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[238]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B5G6R5_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[239]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[240]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[241]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[242]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC4_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: cap[243]: 0x00000000 (DXFMT_BC5_UNORM) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Initializing 'UHCI' host controller 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| svga| I125: VTHREAD start thread 10 "svga" host id 1616 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting usb:0.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting usb:0.deviceType = "hid" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting usb:0.port = "0" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.001+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting usb:0.parent = "-1" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.017+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting usb:1.speed = "2" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.017+08:00| vmx| I125: Ethernet0 MAC Address: 00:0c:29:5f:6c:97 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Initializing 'EHCI' host controller 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: AHCI:Successfully created adapter 'sata0' as num 0 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: SCSI DEVICE (sata0:1): Computed value of sata0:1.useBounceBuffers: default 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: DISKUTIL: sata0:1 : capacity=0 logical sector size=2048 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: DISKUTIL: sata0:1 : geometry=0/0/0 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: AHCI:Creating ATAPI CDROM on SATA adapter. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: AHCI:Successfully created device: sata0:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: SOUNDLIB: Creating the Wave sound backend. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: VMCIDatagram: Attempt to create handle (14) with no device 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: WORKER: Creating new group with numThreads=1 (36) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : max toolsVersion = 10304, type = 1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: TOOLS setting legacy tools version to '10304' type 1, manifest status is 9 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| worker-3| I125: ToolsISO: open of D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig failed: Could not find the file 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| worker-3| I125: ToolsISO: Unable to read signature file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig', ignoring. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: HgfsServerManagerVigorInit: Initialize: dev api 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| worker-3| I125: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO 'windows.iso' for 'longhorn-64' guest. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| worker-3| I125: GetHostManifests: Extracting the manifest file. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| worker-3| I125: ToolsISO: open of D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\windows.iso.sha failed: Could not find the file 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| worker-3| I125: ToolsISO: Unable to read hash file D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\windows.iso.sha, ignoring. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| worker-3| I125: GetHostManifests: Done extracting the manifest file. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: DEPLOYPKG: ToolsDeployPkgPublishState: state=0, code=0, message=(null) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| worker-3| I125: ToolsVersionGetStatusWorkerThread: Tools status 3 derived from environment 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: FeatureCompat: No VM masks. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125: MonPmc: ctrBase 0x4c1 selBase 0x186/1 PGC 1/1 SMM 1 drain 0 AMD 0 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125+ MonPmc: gen counters num: 4 width 48 write width 48 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125+ MonPmc: fix counters num: 3 width 48 2018-11-27T15:33:11.032+08:00| vmx| I125+ MonPmc: unavailable counters: 0 2018-11-27T15:33:11.064+08:00| vmx| I125: guestCpuFeatures = 0x107d 2018-11-27T15:33:11.064+08:00| vmx| I125: guestNumGenPerfCounters = 4 2018-11-27T15:33:11.064+08:00| vmx| I125: guestNumFixedPerfCounters = 0 2018-11-27T15:33:11.064+08:00| vmx| I125: guestPerfCtrArch = 1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.064+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting monitor.phys_bits_used = "43" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Full guest CPUID with differences from hostCPUID highlighted. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest vendor: GenuineIntel 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest family: 0x6 model: 0x4f stepping: 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest codename: Broadwell EP/EN/EX 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID level eaxIn, ecxIn: eax ebx ecx edx 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000000, 0: 0x00000014 0x756e6547 0x6c65746e 0x49656e69 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x00010800 0xf7fa3203 0x0f8bfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 00000001, 0: 0x000406f1 0x00100800 0x7ffefbf7 0xbfebfbff 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000002, 0: 0x76036301 0x00f0b5ff 0x00000000 0x00c30000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000003, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000004, 0: 0x00000121 0x01c0003f 0x0000003f 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 00000004, 0: 0x1c004121 0x01c0003f 0x0000003f 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000004, 1: 0x00000122 0x01c0003f 0x0000003f 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 00000004, 1: 0x1c004122 0x01c0003f 0x0000003f 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000004, 2: 0x00000143 0x01c0003f 0x000001ff 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 00000004, 2: 0x1c004143 0x01c0003f 0x000001ff 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000004, 3: 0x00000163 0x04c0003f 0x00003fff 0x00000006 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 00000004, 3: 0x1c03c163 0x04c0003f 0x00003fff 0x00000006 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000004, 4: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000004, 5: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000004, 6: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000006, 0: 0x00000004 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 00000006, 0: 0x00000077 0x00000002 0x00000009 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000007, 0: 0x00000000 0x001c2fbb 0x00000000 0x0c000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 00000007, 0: 0x00000000 0x021cbfbb 0x00000000 0x0c000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000008, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000009, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000a, 0: 0x07300401 0x0000007f 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 0000000a, 0: 0x07300403 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000603 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000100 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000100 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000201 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000010 0x00000201 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000c, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 0: 0x00000007 0x00000340 0x00000340 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 1: 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 2: 0x00000100 0x00000240 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 3: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 4: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 5: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 6: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 7: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 8: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 9: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, a: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, b: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, c: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, d: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, e: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, f: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 10: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 11: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 12: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 13: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 14: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 15: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 16: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 17: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 18: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 19: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 1a: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 1b: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 1c: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 1d: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 1e: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 1f: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 20: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 21: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 22: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 23: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 24: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 25: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 26: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 27: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 28: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 29: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 2a: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 2b: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 2c: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 2d: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 2e: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 2f: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 30: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 31: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 32: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 33: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 34: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 35: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 36: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 37: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 38: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 39: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 3a: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 3b: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 3c: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 3d: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 3e: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000d, 3f: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000e, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000f, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 0000000f, 0: 0x00000000 0x0000003f 0x00000000 0x00000002 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 0000000f, 1: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 0000000f, 1: 0x00000000 0x00008000 0x0000003f 0x00000007 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000010, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 00000010, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000010, 1: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000011, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000013, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000015, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000016, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000017, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000017, 1: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000017, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 00000017, 3: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 40000000, 0: 0x40000010 0x61774d56 0x4d566572 0x65726177 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 40000001, 0: 0x31237648 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 40000002, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 40000003, 0: 0x00000e72 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000528 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 40000004, 0: 0x00000020 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 40000005, 0: 0xffffffff 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 40000006, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 40000007, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 40000008, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 40000009, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 4000000a, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 4000000b, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 4000000c, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 4000000d, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 4000000e, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 4000000f, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 40000010, 0: 0x001ff82c 0x000101d0 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000000, 0: 0x80000008 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000001, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000121 0x2c100800 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000002, 0: 0x65746e49 0x2952286c 0x6f655820 0x2952286e 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000003, 0: 0x55504320 0x2d354520 0x30323632 0x20347620 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000004, 0: 0x2e322040 0x48473031 0x0000007a 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000005, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000006, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x01006040 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000007, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000100 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000008, 0: 0x0000302b 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID *host level 80000008, 0: 0x0000302e 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000009, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000000b, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000000c, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000000d, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000000e, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000000f, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000010, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000011, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000012, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000013, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000014, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000015, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000016, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000017, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000018, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 80000019, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000001a, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000001b, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000001c, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000001d, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000001d, 1: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000001d, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000001d, 3: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000001d, 4: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000001e, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: guest vs. host CPUID guest level 8000001f, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Minimum ucode level: 0x0b00002a 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VPMC: events will use hybrid freeze. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VPMC: gen counters: num 4 mask 0xffffffffffff 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VPMC: fix counters: num 0 mask 0; version 1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VPMC: hardware counters: 0 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VPMC: perf capabilities: 0x2000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA-GFB: Allocated gfbSize=4194304 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting vmotion.checkpointFBSize = "4194304" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting vmotion.checkpointSVGAPrimarySize = "33554432" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA-PCI: BAR gfbSize=134217728, fifoSize=8388608 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA: SVGA_REG_MEMORY_SIZE=4194304 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: SVGA: SVGA_REG_VRAM_SIZE=4194304 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: BusMemSampleSetUpStats: touched: initPct 75 pages 1497600 : dirtied: initPct 75 pages 1497600 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: caller 0 numvm 1 locked pages: num 4476 max 14644992 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: locked Page Limit: host 15987673 config 14653184 dynam 14981675 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: minmempct 50 timestamp 13715 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: VM 0 min 1012986 max 2011386 shares 1996800 paged 340929 nonpaged 6164 anonymous 8422 locked 4476 touchedPct 75 dirtiedPct 75 timestamp 13715 vmResponsive is 1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: locked 4476 target 2011386 balloon 0 0 0 swapped 0 0 allocd 0 512 state 0 100 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: states: 0 1 : 1 0 : 2 0 : 3 0 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: Balloon enabled 1 guestType 0 maxSize 0 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: FeatureCompat: Capabilities: 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.fixctr.1 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.Intel = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.RDRAND = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.PDPE1GB = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.XSAVE = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.fixctr.0 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.LM = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.ENFSTRG = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.RDSEED = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.MOVBE = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.numGenCtrs = 0x4 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.fixedWidth = 0x30 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.VMX = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.ABM = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.genWidth = 0x30 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.version = 0x3 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.XCR0_MASTER_YMM_H = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.fixctr.2 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: misc.cpuidFaulting = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.PCID = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.FMA = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.AVX2 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.XSAVEOPT = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.RTM = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.genctr.2 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.SSSE3 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.SSE3 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.NX = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.SSE41 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.BMI2 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.AES = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.STIBP = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.PCLMULQDQ = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.3DNPREFETCH = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.SS = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vt.eptad = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.POPCNT = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.AVX = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.genctr.3 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vt.realmode = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vt.ple = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.F16C = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.FSGSBASE = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.DS = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.genctr.0 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.RDTSCP = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.LAHF64 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.IBPB = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: hv.capable = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.CMPXCHG16B = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.INVPCID = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.microarchitecture.broadwell = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.SMEP = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.numFixedCtrs = 0x3 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: vpmc.genctr.1 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.ADX = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.SSE42 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.BMI1 = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.HLE = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.SMAP = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.XCR0_MASTER_SSE = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Capability Found: cpuid.IBRS = 0x1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: FeatureCompat: Requirements: 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.SSE3 - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.PCLMULQDQ - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.SSSE3 - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.FMA - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.CMPXCHG16B - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.PCID - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.SSE41 - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.SSE42 - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.MOVBE - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.POPCNT - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.AES - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.XSAVE - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.AVX - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.F16C - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.RDRAND - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.SS - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.FSGSBASE - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.BMI1 - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.HLE - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.AVX2 - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.SMEP - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.BMI2 - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.ENFSTRG - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.INVPCID - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.RTM - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.RDSEED - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.ADX - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.SMAP - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.STIBP - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.XCR0_MASTER_SSE - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.XCR0_MASTER_YMM_H - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.XSAVEOPT - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.LAHF64 - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.ABM - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.3DNPREFETCH - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.NX - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.PDPE1GB - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.RDTSCP - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.LM - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.Intel - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.IBRS - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: cpuid.IBPB - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VM Features Required: misc.cpuidFaulting - Bool:Min:1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'enableDnD' -> '1' 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Active HV capabilities 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Virtual interrupt delivery 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: XAPIC MMIO virtualization 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Address space identifiers 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Flush by ASID 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Full decode 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: MSR permission bitmap 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Nested paging A/D bits 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Next RIP 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Guest physical width 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Real-address mode 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Skip debug state 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Virtual NMI 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: X2APIC virtualization 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: TPR MMIO virtualization 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: INVEPT single-context 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Page-modification logging 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: PAUSE-loop exiting 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: EPT-violation virtualization exception 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125+ OvhdMem: Static (Power On) Overheads 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: reserved | used 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem excluded cur max avg | cur max avg 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MainMem : 1996800 1996800 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxText : 7168 7168 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxTextLibs : 15360 15360 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Total excluded : 2019328 2019328 - | - - - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Actual maximum : 2019328 | - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: reserved | used 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem paged cur max avg | cur max avg 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_KSTATS_vmm : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_STATS_vmm : 2 2 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_KSTATS_device : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_STATS_device : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_KSTATS_migrate : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_IOFiltersMalloc : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_DiskLibMemUsed : 3075 3075 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaSurfaceTable : 5 5 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaBESurfaceTable : 6 6 - | 2 2 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaHBMobListTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaRestoreBufferArray : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaSDirtyCache : 48 48 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaShaderTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaShaderText : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaContextCache : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaMobCache : 264 264 - | 24 24 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXRTViewTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXDSViewTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXSRViewTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXBlendStateTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXElementLayoutTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXDepthStencilTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXRasterizerStateTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXSamplerTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXContextTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXShaderTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXShaderText : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXStreamOutTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXQueryTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaVAProcessorTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaVADecoderTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxAllocTrack : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxASAN : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxCallStackProf : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxGlobals : 10240 10240 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxGlobalsLibs : 3584 3584 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxHeap : 8704 8704 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxHeapFreeList : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMks : 33 33 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksRenderOps : 16 16 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMks3d : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksGLRenderer : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksGLTransient : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksLLVM : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksScreenTemp : 69890 69890 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksVnc : 74936 74936 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksScreen : 131075 131075 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksSVGAVO : 4096 4096 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksVMVA : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxPhysMemRingBuf : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxPhysMemErrPages : 10 10 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxFTCptOutputBuf : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxSLEntryBuf : 128 128 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxThreads : 34816 34816 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Total paged : 340929 340929 - | 27 27 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Actual maximum : 340929 | 27 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: reserved | used 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem nonpaged cur max avg | cur max avg 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SharedArea : 72 72 - | 58 58 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_BusMemTraceBitmap : 64 64 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PFrame : 4053 4236 - | 4053 4053 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VProbe : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VIDE_KSEG : 16 16 - | 16 16 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VGA : 64 64 - | 64 64 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_BalloonMPN : 1 1 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_P2MUpdateBuffer : 3 3 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_ServicesMPN : 2 2 - | 2 2 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_LocalApic : 1 1 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_BusError : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VBIOS : 8 8 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VnicGuest : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VnicMmap : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_TestDev : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_LSIBIOS : 4 4 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_LSIRings : 4 4 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PCIPBIOS : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PVSCSIBIOS : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PVSCSIKickReg : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SAS1068BIOS : 4 4 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SBIOS : 16 16 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_AHCIBIOS : 16 16 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_NVMEBIOS : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_FlashRam : 128 128 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_IOFiltersMMap : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_IOFiltersGlobal : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SMM : 63 63 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SVGAFB : 1024 1024 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SVGAMEM : 64 512 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_HDAudioReg : 3 3 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_EHCIRegister : 1 1 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_XhciRegister : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PhysMemDebug : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_HyperV : 2 2 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_ExtCfg : 3 3 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_HV : 5 5 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_HVIOBitmap : 3 3 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_HVMSRBitmap : 2 2 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VHVGuestMSRBitmap : 2 2 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_vhvCachedVMCS : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_vhvNestedAPIC : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PCIP : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MonBootstrap : 12 12 - | 10 10 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MonWired : 47 47 - | 41 41 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MonLow : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MonWiredNuma : 32 32 - | 32 32 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MonNuma : 220 220 - | 201 201 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MonOther : 35 35 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PAEShadow : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_FTCpt : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_NVDC : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_NVDIMM : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_EPC : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Total nonpaged : 5981 6612 - | 4482 4482 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Actual maximum : 6612 | 4482 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: reserved | used 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem anonymous cur max avg | cur max avg 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Alloc : 79 79 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMemFrame : 2038 2218 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMemFramePGAR : 5 6 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMemTracePGAR : 2 2 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMem2MRegionPGAR : 32 32 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMem1GRegionPGAR : 2 2 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMemZapListMPN : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_MMU : 53 53 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_ScratchAS : 14 14 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_MonTLB : 24 24 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_DT : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_TC : 513 513 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Island : 2 2 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMemScratchAS : 6 6 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_PlatformScratchAS : 11 11 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_HVNuma : 3 3 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_HV : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VHV : 3 3 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VNPTShadow : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VNPTShadowCache : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VNPTBackmap : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_SVMIDT : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_CallStackProfAnon : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Numa : 24 24 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_NumaTextRodata : 181 181 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_NumaDataBss : 39 39 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_NumaLargeData : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_WiredNuma : 32 32 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Bootstrap : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_GPhysTraced : 810 810 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_GPhysHWMMU : 4067 4067 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_GPhysGIM : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_GPhysNoTrace : 202 202 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_PhysMemGart : 88 88 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_PhysMemErr : 6 6 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_TraceALot : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VIDE : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VMXNETWake : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusLogic : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Ahci : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Nvme : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_NVMERings : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_PVSCSIShadowRing : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_LSIRings : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_FTCptScratchAS : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Hba : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VProbe : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_PT : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Total anonymous : 8241 8422 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Actual maximum : 8422 | 0 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VMMEM: Precise Reservation: 1387MB (MainMem=7800MB) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:1069]: VMAutomation_PowerOn. Powering on. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| I125: VMX_PowerOn: ModuleTable_PowerOn = 1 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting cleanShutdown = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.079+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting softPowerOff = "FALSE" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.095+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileDeletionRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmx~): The system cannot find the file specified (2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: VTHREAD start thread 11 "vcpu-0" host id 5596 2018-11-27T15:33:11.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: MonTimer APIC:0/0 vec: 0 2018-11-27T15:33:11.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: APIC: version = 0x15, max LVT = 6, LDR = 0x80, DFR = 0xffffffff 2018-11-27T15:33:11.095+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: open of D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig failed: Could not find the file 2018-11-27T15:33:11.095+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Unable to read signature file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig', ignoring. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.095+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO 'windows.iso' for 'longhorn-64' guest. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.095+08:00| vmx| I125: VMXVmdb_SetToolsVersionStatus: status value set to 'ok', 'current', install possible 2018-11-27T15:33:11.126+08:00| svga| I125: SVGA thread is alive 2018-11-27T15:33:11.126+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CPU reset: hard (mode 0) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.126+08:00| vcpu-0| W115: VSOCKET 2 Failed to create socket: A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network (10051) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.126+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: GuestRpc: Could not create RPCI listening socket: A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network 2018-11-27T15:33:11.126+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: GuestRpc: Using vsocket for TCLO messaging is disabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.126+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: memoryHotplug: Node 0: Present: 7799 MB (100 %) Size:124799 MB (100 %) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.126+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PIIX4: PM Resuming from suspend type 0x0, chipset.onlineStandby 0 2018-11-27T15:33:11.126+08:00| vcpu-0| A100: ConfigDB: Unsetting all entries with prefix "usb:0." 2018-11-27T15:33:11.126+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: FILE: FileDeletionRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmx~): The system cannot find the file specified (2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.204+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: USB: Disconnecting device 0x2000000400000000 2018-11-27T15:33:11.204+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: USB: Connecting device desc:name:VMware\ Virtual\ USB\ Mouse vid:0e0f pid:0003 speed:full family:hid deviceType:virtual-hid info:0000005 version:3 id:0x200000050e0f0003 2018-11-27T15:33:11.204+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Policy_GetUSBDevAccess: allowConnect = YES 2018-11-27T15:33:11.204+08:00| vcpu-0| A100: ConfigDB: Setting usb:0.present = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.204+08:00| vcpu-0| A100: ConfigDB: Setting usb:0.deviceType = "hid" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.204+08:00| vcpu-0| A100: ConfigDB: Setting usb:0.port = "0" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.204+08:00| vcpu-0| A100: ConfigDB: Setting usb:0.parent = "-1" 2018-11-27T15:33:11.204+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: FILE: FileDeletionRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmx~): The system cannot find the file specified (2) 2018-11-27T15:33:11.220+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Msg_Post: Warning 2018-11-27T15:33:11.220+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: [msg.serial.thinprint.disabled] The virtual printing feature is globally disabled on this system, and will not be enabled for this virtual machine. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.220+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: [msg.device.startdisconnected] Virtual device 'serial0' will start disconnected. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.220+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: ---------------------------------------- 2018-11-27T15:33:11.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: VNET: 'ethernet0' enable link state propagation, lsp.state = 5 2018-11-27T15:33:11.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: VNET: MACVNetConnectToNetwork 'ethernet0' lsp.state = 5 2018-11-27T15:33:11.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: VNET: MACVNetConnectToNetwork 'Ethernet0' notify available. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Msg_Question: 2018-11-27T15:33:11.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: [msg.noAutodetectBackingQuestion] Cannot connect the virtual device sata0:1 because no corresponding device is available on the host. 2018-11-27T15:33:11.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125+ 2018-11-27T15:33:11.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125+ Do you want to try to connect this virtual device every time you power on the virtual machine? 2018-11-27T15:33:11.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: ---------------------------------------- 2018-11-27T15:33:13.595+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: MsgQuestion: msg.noAutodetectBackingQuestion reply=0 2018-11-27T15:33:13.595+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Msg_Post: Warning 2018-11-27T15:33:13.595+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: [msg.device.startdisconnected] Virtual device 'sata0:1' will start disconnected. 2018-11-27T15:33:13.595+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: ---------------------------------------- 2018-11-27T15:33:13.626+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: HGFSPublish: publishing 0 shares 2018-11-27T15:33:13.657+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PolicyVMXFindPolicyKey: policy file does not exist. 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Vix: [5596 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=0, newAppState=1872, success=1 additionalError=0 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Vix: [5596 mainDispatch.c:4151]: VMAutomationReportPowerStateChange: Reporting power state change (opcode=0, err=0). 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Vix: [5596 mainDispatch.c:4151]: VMAutomationReportPowerStateChange: Reporting power state change (opcode=2, err=0). 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Transitioned vmx/execState/val to poweredOn 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Tools: Adding Tools inactivity timer. 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vmx| I125: VUsbUpdateVigorFieldsAndAutoconnect: New set of 4 USB devices 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Logitech\ USB\ Input\ Device vid:046d pid:c018 path:1/1/0/0 speed:low family:hid,hid-bootable instanceId:USB\\VID_046D&PID_C018\\6&19F4909&0&1 arbRuntimeKey:1 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Lenovo\ USB\ Composite\ Device vid:17ef pid:6018 path:1/1/0/1 speed:low family:hid,hid-bootable instanceId:USB\\VID_17EF&PID_6018\\6&19F4909&0&2 arbRuntimeKey:2 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:SoftDog\ USB\ Device vid:08e2 pid:0004 path:1/1/0/5 speed:low family:vendor instanceId:USB\\VID_08E2&PID_0004\\6&19F4909&0&6 arbRuntimeKey:3 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Intel VT: FlexPriority enabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Autoconnecting device "SoftDog USB Device" matching pattern [path:1/1/0/5 autoclean:1] prefer usb 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Intel VT: VPID enabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Connecting device desc:name:SoftDog\ USB\ Device vid:08e2 pid:0004 path:1/1/0/5 speed:low family:vendor autoclean:1 instanceId:USB\\VID_08E2&PID_0004\\6&19F4909&0&6 arbRuntimeKey:3 version:3 id:0x1000000308e20004 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vmx| I125: Policy_GetUSBDevAccess: checking usb devices at policy path: /vm/#_VMX/mvm/policyState/val/policySet/usbDevices/# 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vmx| I125: Policy_GetUSBDevAccess: allowConnect = YES 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vmx| I125: MsgHint: msg.usb.generic.stopDevice 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vmx| I125+ A USB device is about to be unplugged from the host and connected to this virtual machine. It will first be stopped to enable safe removal. With some devices, the host may display the message "The device can now safely be removed." 2018-11-27T15:33:13.673+08:00| vmx| I125+ --------------------------------------- 2018-11-27T15:33:13.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Intel VT enabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:16.798+08:00| vmx| I125: USBG: Created 1000000308e20004 2018-11-27T15:33:16.798+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Virtual\ Bluetooth\ Adapter vid:0a12 pid:0001 speed:full family:wireless,bluetooth deviceType:virtual-bluetooth info:0000001 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:16.811+08:00| mks| W115: CnxHandleConnection: WriteFile failed (code 232 written 0) 2018-11-27T15:33:16.811+08:00| mks| W115: MKSControlSocket: Failed to complete connection. 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: VUsbUpdateVigorFieldsAndAutoconnect: New set of 4 USB devices 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Logitech\ USB\ Input\ Device vid:046d pid:c018 path:1/1/0/0 speed:low family:hid,hid-bootable instanceId:USB\\VID_046D&PID_C018\\6&19F4909&0&1 arbRuntimeKey:1 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Lenovo\ USB\ Composite\ Device vid:17ef pid:6018 path:1/1/0/1 speed:low family:hid,hid-bootable instanceId:USB\\VID_17EF&PID_6018\\6&19F4909&0&2 arbRuntimeKey:2 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:SoftDog\ USB\ Device vid:08e2 pid:0004 path:1/1/0/5 speed:low family:vendor virtPath:usb:2 instanceId:USB\\VID_08E2&PID_0004\\6&19F4909&0&6 arbRuntimeKey:3 version:3], connected to usb:1 port 0. 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Device [name:SoftDog\ USB\ Device vid:08e2 pid:0004 path:1/1/0/5 speed:low family:vendor virtPath:usb:2 instanceId:USB\\VID_08E2&PID_0004\\6&19F4909&0&6 arbRuntimeKey:3 version:3] should already be connected 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Virtual\ Bluetooth\ Adapter vid:0a12 pid:0001 speed:full family:wireless,bluetooth deviceType:virtual-bluetooth info:0000001 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting sata0:1.fileName = "auto detect" 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: VUsbUpdateVigorFieldsAndAutoconnect: New set of 4 USB devices 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Logitech\ USB\ Input\ Device vid:046d pid:c018 path:1/1/0/0 speed:low family:hid,hid-bootable instanceId:USB\\VID_046D&PID_C018\\6&19F4909&0&1 arbRuntimeKey:1 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Lenovo\ USB\ Composite\ Device vid:17ef pid:6018 path:1/1/0/1 speed:low family:hid,hid-bootable instanceId:USB\\VID_17EF&PID_6018\\6&19F4909&0&2 arbRuntimeKey:2 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:SoftDog\ USB\ Device vid:08e2 pid:0004 path:1/1/0/5 speed:low family:vendor virtPath:usb:2 instanceId:USB\\VID_08E2&PID_0004\\6&19F4909&0&6 arbRuntimeKey:3 ownerdisplay:Windows\ Server\ 2008\ x64\ (2) version:3], connected to usb:1 port 0. 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Device [name:SoftDog\ USB\ Device vid:08e2 pid:0004 path:1/1/0/5 speed:low family:vendor virtPath:usb:2 instanceId:USB\\VID_08E2&PID_0004\\6&19F4909&0&6 arbRuntimeKey:3 ownerdisplay:Windows\ Server\ 2008\ x64\ (2) version:3] should already be connected 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Virtual\ Bluetooth\ Adapter vid:0a12 pid:0001 speed:full family:wireless,bluetooth deviceType:virtual-bluetooth info:0000001 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: VNET: MACVNetLinkStateEventHandler: event, up:0, adapter:1 2018-11-27T15:33:16.816+08:00| vmx| I125: VNET: MACVNetLinkStateEventHandler: 'ethernet0' state from 5 to 7. 2018-11-27T15:33:16.913+08:00| mks| I125: MKSControlMgr: connected 2018-11-27T15:33:16.917+08:00| svga| I125: MKSScreenShotMgr: Taking a screenshot 2018-11-27T15:33:16.986+08:00| mks| I125: SWBWindow: Number of MKSWindows changed: 1 rendering MKSWindow(s) of total 1. 2018-11-27T15:33:16.986+08:00| mks| I125: GDI-Backend: successfully started by HWinMux to do window composition. 2018-11-27T15:33:16.986+08:00| mks| I125: Win32AllowDnDProxyMessages: Registered setProp: 0xC1C7 2018-11-27T15:33:16.986+08:00| mks| I125+ Registered removeProp: 0xC1C0 2018-11-27T15:33:16.986+08:00| mks| I125+ Registered attachThreadProxy: 0xC1B6 2018-11-27T15:33:16.986+08:00| mks| I125: MKS-HWinMux: Started GDI presentation backend 2018-11-27T15:33:16.986+08:00| mks| I125: SWBWindow: Number of MKSWindows changed: 1 rendering MKSWindow(s) of total 2. 2018-11-27T15:33:16.986+08:00| mks| I125: Win32AllowDnDProxyMessages: Registered setProp: 0xC1C7 2018-11-27T15:33:16.986+08:00| mks| I125+ Registered removeProp: 0xC1C0 2018-11-27T15:33:16.986+08:00| mks| I125+ Registered attachThreadProxy: 0xC1B6 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: VUsbUpdateVigorFieldsAndAutoconnect: New set of 4 USB devices 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Logitech\ USB\ Input\ Device vid:046d pid:c018 path:1/1/0/0 speed:low family:hid,hid-bootable instanceId:USB\\VID_046D&PID_C018\\6&19F4909&0&1 arbRuntimeKey:1 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Lenovo\ USB\ Composite\ Device vid:17ef pid:6018 path:1/1/0/1 speed:low family:hid,hid-bootable instanceId:USB\\VID_17EF&PID_6018\\6&19F4909&0&2 arbRuntimeKey:2 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:SoftDog\ USB\ Device vid:08e2 pid:0004 path:1/1/0/5 speed:low family:vendor virtPath:usb:2 instanceId:USB\\VID_0E0F&PID_0001\\6&19F4909&0&6 arbRuntimeKey:3 ownerdisplay:Windows\ Server\ 2008\ x64\ (2) version:3], connected to usb:1 port 0. 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Device [name:SoftDog\ USB\ Device vid:08e2 pid:0004 path:1/1/0/5 speed:low family:vendor virtPath:usb:2 instanceId:USB\\VID_0E0F&PID_0001\\6&19F4909&0&6 arbRuntimeKey:3 ownerdisplay:Windows\ Server\ 2008\ x64\ (2) version:3] should already be connected 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Virtual\ Bluetooth\ Adapter vid:0a12 pid:0001 speed:full family:wireless,bluetooth deviceType:virtual-bluetooth info:0000001 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: USBGA: device 1000000308e20004 arrived 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: USBGW: Disabling USB 3.0 streams 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: VUsbUpdateVigorFieldsAndAutoconnect: New set of 4 USB devices 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Logitech\ USB\ Input\ Device vid:046d pid:c018 path:1/1/0/0 speed:low family:hid,hid-bootable instanceId:USB\\VID_046D&PID_C018\\6&19F4909&0&1 arbRuntimeKey:1 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Lenovo\ USB\ Composite\ Device vid:17ef pid:6018 path:1/1/0/1 speed:low family:hid,hid-bootable instanceId:USB\\VID_17EF&PID_6018\\6&19F4909&0&2 arbRuntimeKey:2 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:SoftDog\ USB\ Device vid:08e2 pid:0004 path:1/1/0/5 speed:low family:vendor virtPath:usb:2 instanceId:USB\\VID_0E0F&PID_0001\\6&19F4909&0&6 arbRuntimeKey:3 ownerdisplay:Windows\ Server\ 2008\ x64\ (2) version:3], connected to usb:1 port 0. 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Device [name:SoftDog\ USB\ Device vid:08e2 pid:0004 path:1/1/0/5 speed:low family:vendor virtPath:usb:2 instanceId:USB\\VID_0E0F&PID_0001\\6&19F4909&0&6 arbRuntimeKey:3 ownerdisplay:Windows\ Server\ 2008\ x64\ (2) version:3] should already be connected 2018-11-27T15:33:17.002+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Found device [name:Virtual\ Bluetooth\ Adapter vid:0a12 pid:0001 speed:full family:wireless,bluetooth deviceType:virtual-bluetooth info:0000001 version:3] 2018-11-27T15:33:17.125+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: UHCI: HCReset 2018-11-27T15:33:17.299+08:00| vmx| I125: VNET: MACVNetLinkStateTimerHandler: 'ethernet0' state from 7 to 0. 2018-11-27T15:33:17.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xe8000000(0x0) and 0xfe000000(0x0) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.346+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xe8000000(0xe8000000) and 0xfe000000(0xfe000000) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.549+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xe8000000(0xe8000000) and 0xfe000000(0xfe000000) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.564+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xe8000000(0xe8000000) and 0xfe000000(0xfe000000) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.564+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x1070 2018-11-27T15:33:17.564+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xe8000000(0xe8000000) and 0xfe000000(0xfe000000) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.564+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.596+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.596+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.596+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.596+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.596+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.596+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.596+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.596+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.596+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.611+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.611+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.611+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.611+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.611+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.611+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.611+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.611+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.611+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: AHCI: Tried to enable/disable IO space. 2018-11-27T15:33:17.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.846+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.846+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.846+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.846+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.846+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.846+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.846+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.846+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.846+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.861+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.861+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.861+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.861+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.861+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.861+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.861+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.861+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.861+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.861+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.877+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.877+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.877+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.877+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.877+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.877+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.877+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.877+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.877+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.892+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.892+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:17.892+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:18.127+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: AHCI: Tried to enable/disable IO space. 2018-11-27T15:33:18.127+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: AHCI-VMM:HBA reset issued on sata0. 2018-11-27T15:33:18.142+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : geometry=5221/255/63 2018-11-27T15:33:18.142+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : capacity=83886080 logical sector size=512 2018-11-27T15:33:18.142+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SCSI0: RESET BUS 2018-11-27T15:33:18.314+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: AHCI-USER: Already in check condition 02 3a 00 2018-11-27T15:33:18.314+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: AHCI-USER: Already in check condition 02 3a 00 2018-11-27T15:33:18.346+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: BIOS-UUID is 56 4d 8b fe 13 ef 05 cb-16 fa b8 6d 3b 5f 6c 97 2018-11-27T15:33:18.876+08:00| svga| I125: SVGA enabling SVGA 2018-11-27T15:33:18.876+08:00| svga| I125: SVGA-ScreenMgr: Screen type changed to RegisterMode 2018-11-27T15:33:18.923+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DDB: "longContentID" = "0e12a8c03d8ca2b9aadb88695e6703c8" (was "516d2399ca7d619031ae381b3332a769") 2018-11-27T15:33:24.267+08:00| vmx| I125: VNET: MACVNetLinkStateTimerHandler: 'ethernet0' state from 0 to 4. 2018-11-27T15:33:27.314+08:00| svga| I125: SVGA disabling SVGA 2018-11-27T15:33:29.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Unregistering IOSpace at 0x1070 2018-11-27T15:33:29.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xe8000000(0xe8000000) and 0xfe000000(0xfe000000) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x1070 2018-11-27T15:33:29.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xe8000000(0xe8000000) and 0xfe000000(0xfe000000) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.525+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.525+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.541+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.541+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.552+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.552+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.552+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.560+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.560+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.560+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.560+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.568+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.568+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.568+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.568+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.568+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.580+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.588+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.588+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.588+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.588+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.588+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.588+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.588+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.595+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.595+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.595+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.595+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.595+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.595+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.595+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.595+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.607+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.607+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.607+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.607+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.607+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.607+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.607+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.607+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.607+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.615+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.615+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.615+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.615+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.615+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.615+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.615+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.615+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.615+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.615+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.627+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.638+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.638+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.638+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.638+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.638+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.638+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.638+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.638+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.638+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.638+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.638+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.638+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.681+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.701+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.709+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.744+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.752+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.763+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.791+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.810+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.822+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.845+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.853+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.865+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.873+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.994+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:29.994+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.025+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.025+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.056+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.056+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.084+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.084+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.115+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.115+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.146+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.146+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.177+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.177+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.209+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.209+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.240+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.240+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.271+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.271+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.306+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.306+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.334+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.334+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.365+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.365+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.396+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.396+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.427+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.427+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.459+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.459+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.490+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.490+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.521+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.521+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.552+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.552+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.584+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.584+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.615+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.615+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.646+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.646+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.708+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.708+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.739+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.739+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.771+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.802+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.833+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.833+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.864+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.864+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.896+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.896+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.927+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.927+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.958+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.958+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:30.997+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.677+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.705+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SCSI0: RESET BUS 2018-11-27T15:33:34.818+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: LSI: Invalid PageType [21] pageNo 0 Action 0 2018-11-27T15:33:34.947+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SCSI scsi0:0: Unsupported command REPORT LUNS issued. --ok 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.966+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:34.998+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: AHCI-VMM:HBA reset issued on sata0. 2018-11-27T15:33:35.045+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Mode Sense for Unsupported Page 0x1B 2018-11-27T15:33:35.045+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM sata0:1: CMD 0x5a (MODE SENSE(10)) FAILED (key 0x5 asc 0x24 ascq 0) 2018-11-27T15:33:36.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : capacity=83886080 logical sector size=512 2018-11-27T15:33:36.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : capacity=83886080 logical sector size=512 2018-11-27T15:33:36.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SCSI DEVICE (scsi0:0): MODE SENSE(6) for unsupported page 0x1c 2018-11-27T15:33:36.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SCSI DEVICE (scsi0:0): MODE SENSE(6) for unsupported page 0x8 2018-11-27T15:33:36.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SCSI DEVICE (scsi0:0): MODE SENSE(6) for unsupported page 0x8 2018-11-27T15:33:36.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : capacity=83886080 logical sector size=512 2018-11-27T15:33:36.689+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : capacity=83886080 logical sector size=512 2018-11-27T15:33:38.064+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM Miniport Loading the release build type 2018-11-27T15:33:38.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Tools: Running status rpc handler: 0 => 1. 2018-11-27T15:33:38.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Tools: Changing running status: 0 => 1. 2018-11-27T15:33:38.720+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Tools: Removing Tools inactivity timer. 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.079+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.095+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.110+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Unregistering IOSpace at 0x1070 2018-11-27T15:33:39.110+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xe8000000(0xe8000000) and 0xfe000000(0xfe000000) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.110+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x1070 2018-11-27T15:33:39.110+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xe8000000(0xe8000000) and 0xfe000000(0xfe000000) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.298+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: UHCI: Global Reset 2018-11-27T15:33:39.501+08:00| vmx| I125: VNET: MACVNetLinkStateEventHandler: event, up:1, adapter:1 2018-11-27T15:33:39.501+08:00| vmx| I125: VNET: MACVNetLinkStateEventHandler: 'ethernet0' state from 4 to 6. 2018-11-27T15:33:39.532+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 0 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:33:39.532+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 0 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:33:39.532+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:33:39.532+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 0 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:33:39.532+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 0 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:33:39.532+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 0 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:33:39.532+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 1 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:33:39.532+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Unknown command 0xA4. 2018-11-27T15:33:39.532+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM sata0:1: CMD 0xa4 (*UNKNOWN (0xa4)*) FAILED (key 0x5 asc 0x20 ascq 0) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.564+08:00| vcpu-0| W115: HDAudio: HDAudioControllerReset: RIRB run bit is set. 2018-11-27T15:33:39.642+08:00| vmx| I125: VNET: MACVNetLinkStateTimerHandler: 'ethernet0' state from 6 to 1. 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge6:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge5:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:6: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:5: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:3: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:2: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge4:1: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:39.876+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: pciBridge7:7: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004) 2018-11-27T15:33:44.716+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: SVGA WDDM Full Display driver, Version:, Build Number: 6933088 2018-11-27T15:33:44.716+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM OS version: 6.0, build number: 6002, service pack version: 2.0, platform Id: 2, product type: 3, suite mask: 0x190 2018-11-27T15:33:44.716+08:00| svga| I125: SVGA enabling SVGA 2018-11-27T15:33:44.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM SVGA Grow OTable command enabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM SVGA IntraSurfaceCopy command enabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM Guest backed surface is enabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.732+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM 3D is disabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.747+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM DX10 context is disabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.747+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM GL3 is disabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.747+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM DX cap is enabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.747+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM HP Queue is disabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.747+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM Guest backed primary in aperture is disabled. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.747+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM primary mem 32768KB. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.747+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM VRAM 32768KB. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.747+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM using 152KB memory for OTable. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.747+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: WDDM Aperture memory 32768KB. 2018-11-27T15:33:44.747+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: tap: init 2018-11-27T15:33:44.747+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: vm3d: svgadevtap: Allocating server, size=15224 bytes 2018-11-27T15:33:46.283+08:00| svga| I125: SVGA-ScreenMgr: Screen type changed to ScreenTarget 2018-11-27T15:33:48.346+08:00| vmx| I125: VNET: MACVNetLinkStateTimerHandler: 'ethernet0' state from 1 to 5. 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 30 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 31 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 32 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 33 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 35 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 36 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 38 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 42 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 43 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 45 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 46 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 47 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 64 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 65 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 80 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 81 2018-11-27T15:33:53.330+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 259 2018-11-27T15:34:16.818+08:00| vmx| I125: GuestRpcSendTimedOut: message to toolbox-dnd timed out. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: toolbox: Version: build-7259539 2018-11-27T15:34:27.783+08:00| vcpu-0| W115: GuestRpc: application toolbox, changing channel 65535 -> 0 2018-11-27T15:34:27.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: GuestRpc: Channel 0, guest application toolbox. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.783+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DEPLOYPKG: ToolsDeployPkg_Begin: state=0 err=0, msg=null 2018-11-27T15:34:27.798+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: TOOLS autoupgrade protocol version 2 2018-11-27T15:34:27.798+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Tools: Changing running status: 1 => 2. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.798+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: TOOLS Received tools.set.version rpc call, version = 10304, setting type to 1 from guest OS 2018-11-27T15:34:27.798+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Tools_SetVersionAndType did nothing; new tools version (10304) and type (1) match old Tools version and type 2018-11-27T15:34:27.798+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: ToolsISO: open of D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig failed: Could not find the file 2018-11-27T15:34:27.798+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: ToolsISO: Unable to read signature file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig', ignoring. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.798+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO 'windows.iso' for 'longhorn-64' guest. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.798+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Starting copy guest manifest. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.814+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: HGFileCopyCreateSessionCB: Successfully created the session. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: ToolsLoadManifestFileCB: Queuing a request to update the manifest information. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| worker-3| I125: ToolsISO: open of D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig failed: Could not find the file 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| worker-3| I125: ToolsISO: Unable to read signature file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig', ignoring. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| worker-3| I125: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO 'windows.iso' for 'longhorn-64' guest. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| worker-3| I125: GetHostManifests: Extracting the manifest file. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| worker-3| I125: ToolsISO: open of D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\windows.iso.sha failed: Could not find the file 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| worker-3| I125: ToolsISO: Unable to read hash file D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\windows.iso.sha, ignoring. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| worker-3| I125: GetHostManifests: Done extracting the manifest file. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| worker-3| I125: ToolsVersionGetStatusWorkerThread: Tools status 3 derived from environment 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsUpdateManifestInfoWorkerThreadDone: Compared tools manifest from host and from the guest. Status = 3. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsUpdateManifestInfoWorkerThreadDone: Updating the manifest info. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: open of D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig failed: Could not find the file 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Unable to read signature file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig', ignoring. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO 'windows.iso' for 'longhorn-64' guest. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| vmx| I125: VMXVmdb_SetToolsVersionStatus: status value set to 'ok', 'current', install possible 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| vmx| I125: TOOLS installed legacy version 10304, available legacy version 10304 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| vmx| I125: TOOLS manifest update status is 3 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| vmx| I125: TOOLS can be autoupgraded. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.830+08:00| vmx| I125: TOOLS Setting autoupgrade-checked TRUE. 2018-11-27T15:34:27.955+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: TOOLS state change 3 returned status 1 2018-11-27T15:34:27.955+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Vix: [5596 mainDispatch.c:4151]: VMAutomationReportPowerStateChange: Reporting power state change (opcode=2, err=0). 2018-11-27T15:34:27.955+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Tools: Changing running status: 2 => 1. 2018-11-27T15:34:38.173+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.173+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 45 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 45 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 47 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 47 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 43 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 43 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 42 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 42 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 59 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 59 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 65 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 65 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 45 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 45 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 47 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 47 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 43 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 43 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 42 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 42 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 59 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 59 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 65 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 65 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 45 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 45 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 47 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 47 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 43 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 43 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 42 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 42 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 59 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 59 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 65 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 65 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 0 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 33 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 33 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 32 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 32 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 38 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 38 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 45 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 45 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 44 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 44 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 47 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 47 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 65 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 65 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 42 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 42 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 33 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 33 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 32 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 32 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 38 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 38 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 45 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 45 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 44 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 44 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 47 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 47 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 65 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 65 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 42 2018-11-27T15:34:38.189+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 2 starting feature 42 2018-11-27T15:34:43.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Guest: toolbox-dnd: Version: build-7259539 2018-11-27T15:34:43.361+08:00| vcpu-0| W115: GuestRpc: application toolbox-dnd, changing channel 65535 -> 2 2018-11-27T15:34:43.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: GuestRpc: Channel 2, guest application toolbox-dnd. 2018-11-27T15:34:43.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DnDCP: dndGuestVersion from vmdb failed, setting to 4 2018-11-27T15:34:43.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DnDCP: set guest controllers to version 4 2018-11-27T15:34:43.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DnDCP: set guest controllers to version 4 2018-11-27T15:34:43.361+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DnDCP: set guest controllers to version 4 2018-11-27T15:34:43.705+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: DnDCP: set guest controllers to version 4 2018-11-27T15:39:48.511+08:00| vmx| I125: Progress -1% (msg.HGFileCopy.preparewrite) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.532+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: HGFileCopyCreateSessionCB: Successfully created the session. 2018-11-27T15:39:48.532+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 0% (msg.HGFileCopy.WriteFile) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.538+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 3% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.541+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 7% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.543+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 10% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.547+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 14% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.549+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 18% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.551+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 21% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.553+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 25% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.555+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 29% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.557+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 32% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.559+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 36% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.562+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 40% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.564+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 43% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.566+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 47% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.568+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 50% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.570+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 54% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.572+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 58% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.575+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 61% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.577+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 65% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.579+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 69% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.581+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 72% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.583+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 76% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.585+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 80% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.588+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 83% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.590+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 87% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.592+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 90% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.594+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 94% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.596+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 98% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.597+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 100% (none) 2018-11-27T15:39:48.599+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 101% (none) 2018-11-27T15:40:00.292+08:00| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-LIB : numIOs = 50000 numMergedIOs = 11491 numSplitIOs = 367 2018-11-27T15:43:34.543+08:00| svga| I125: MKSScreenShotMgr: Taking a screenshot 2018-11-27T15:44:03.922+08:00| vcpu-0| I125: ALC885: ALC885_AttenuateSamples: Error in software mixer. Software mixer is disabled for output sound streams. 2018-11-27T15:45:18.479+08:00| vmx| I125: VMXVmdbCbVmVmxExecState: Exec state change requested to state poweredOff without reset, hard, softOptionTimeout: 0. 2018-11-27T15:45:18.481+08:00| vmx| I125: Stopping VCPU threads... 2018-11-27T15:45:18.491+08:00| svga| I125: SVGA thread is exiting 2018-11-27T15:45:18.494+08:00| mks| I125: SWBWindow: Number of MKSWindows changed: 0 rendering MKSWindow(s) of total 1. 2018-11-27T15:45:18.498+08:00| mks| I125: GDI-Backend: stopped by HWinMux to do window composition. 2018-11-27T15:45:18.498+08:00| mks| I125: SWBWindow: Number of MKSWindows changed: 0 rendering MKSWindow(s) of total 0. 2018-11-27T15:45:18.498+08:00| vmx| I125: MKS thread is stopped 2018-11-27T15:45:18.515+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Disconnecting device 0x1000000308e20004 2018-11-27T15:45:18.515+08:00| vmx| I125: USBG: Disconnecting 1000000308e20004, port:0 reservedPort:0 2018-11-27T15:45:18.515+08:00| vmx| I125: USBGW: Disconnecting device: 91004C4368 id: 1000000308e20004 2018-11-27T15:45:18.515+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Disconnecting device 0x200000050e0f0003 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125+ OvhdMem: Final (Power Off) Overheads 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: reserved | used 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem excluded cur max avg | cur max avg 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MainMem : 1996800 1996800 - | 1342017 1342017 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxText : 7168 7168 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxTextLibs : 15360 15360 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Total excluded : 2019328 2019328 - | - - - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Actual maximum : 2019328 | - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: reserved | used 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem paged cur max avg | cur max avg 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_KSTATS_vmm : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_STATS_vmm : 2 2 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_KSTATS_device : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_STATS_device : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_KSTATS_migrate : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_IOFiltersMalloc : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_DiskLibMemUsed : 3075 3075 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaSurfaceTable : 5 5 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.516+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaBESurfaceTable : 6 6 - | 2 2 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaHBMobListTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaRestoreBufferArray : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaSDirtyCache : 48 48 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaShaderTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaShaderText : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaContextCache : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaMobCache : 264 264 - | 24 25 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXRTViewTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXDSViewTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXSRViewTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXBlendStateTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXElementLayoutTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXDepthStencilTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXRasterizerStateTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXSamplerTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXContextTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXShaderTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXShaderText : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXStreamOutTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaDXQueryTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaVAProcessorTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SvgaVADecoderTable : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxAllocTrack : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxASAN : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxCallStackProf : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxGlobals : 10240 10240 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxGlobalsLibs : 3584 3584 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxHeap : 8704 8704 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxHeapFreeList : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMks : 33 33 - | 17 26 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksRenderOps : 16 16 - | 3 3 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMks3d : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksGLRenderer : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksGLTransient : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksLLVM : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksScreenTemp : 69890 69890 - | 0 19 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksVnc : 74936 74936 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksScreen : 131075 131075 - | 0 1537 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksSVGAVO : 4096 4096 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxMksVMVA : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxPhysMemRingBuf : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxPhysMemErrPages : 10 10 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxFTCptOutputBuf : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxSLEntryBuf : 128 128 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VmxThreads : 34816 34816 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Total paged : 340929 340929 - | 47 1613 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Actual maximum : 340929 | 1604 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: reserved | used 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem nonpaged cur max avg | cur max avg 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SharedArea : 72 72 - | 58 58 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_BusMemTraceBitmap : 64 64 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PFrame : 4053 4236 - | 4053 4053 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VProbe : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VIDE_KSEG : 16 16 - | 16 16 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VGA : 64 64 - | 64 64 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_BalloonMPN : 1 1 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_P2MUpdateBuffer : 3 3 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_ServicesMPN : 2 2 - | 2 2 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_LocalApic : 1 1 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_BusError : 1 1 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VBIOS : 8 8 - | 8 8 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VnicGuest : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VnicMmap : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_TestDev : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_LSIBIOS : 4 4 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_LSIRings : 4 4 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PCIPBIOS : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PVSCSIBIOS : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PVSCSIKickReg : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SAS1068BIOS : 4 4 - | 2 2 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SBIOS : 16 16 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_AHCIBIOS : 16 16 - | 2 2 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_NVMEBIOS : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_FlashRam : 128 128 - | 56 56 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_IOFiltersMMap : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_IOFiltersGlobal : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SMM : 63 63 - | 40 40 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SVGAFB : 1024 1024 - | 768 768 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SVGAMEM : 64 512 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_HDAudioReg : 3 3 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_EHCIRegister : 1 1 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_XhciRegister : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PhysMemDebug : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_HyperV : 2 2 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_ExtCfg : 3 3 - | 2 2 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_HV : 5 5 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_HVIOBitmap : 3 3 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_HVMSRBitmap : 2 2 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_VHVGuestMSRBitmap : 2 2 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_vhvCachedVMCS : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.517+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_vhvNestedAPIC : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PCIP : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MonBootstrap : 0 12 - | 0 10 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MonWired : 47 47 - | 41 41 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MonLow : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MonWiredNuma : 0 32 - | 0 32 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MonNuma : 0 220 - | 0 201 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_MonOther : 35 35 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_PAEShadow : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_FTCpt : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_NVDC : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_NVDIMM : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdUser_EPC : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Total nonpaged : 5717 6612 - | 5119 5362 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Actual maximum : 6612 | 5119 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: reserved | used 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem anonymous cur max avg | cur max avg 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Alloc : 79 79 - | 26 66 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMemFrame : 2038 2218 - | 2038 2038 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMemFramePGAR : 5 6 - | 5 5 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMemTracePGAR : 2 2 - | 2 2 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMem2MRegionPGAR : 32 32 - | 32 32 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMem1GRegionPGAR : 2 2 - | 2 2 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMemZapListMPN : 1 1 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_MMU : 53 53 - | 14 14 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_ScratchAS : 14 14 - | 5 5 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_MonTLB : 24 24 - | 24 24 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_DT : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_TC : 513 970 - | 458 916 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Island : 2 2 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusMemScratchAS : 6 6 - | 6 6 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_PlatformScratchAS : 11 11 - | 8 8 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_HVNuma : 3 3 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_HV : 1 1 - | 1 1 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VHV : 3 3 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VNPTShadow : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VNPTShadowCache : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VNPTBackmap : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_SVMIDT : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_CallStackProfAnon : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Numa : 24 24 - | 14 23 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_NumaTextRodata : 181 181 - | 162 162 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_NumaDataBss : 39 39 - | 39 39 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_NumaLargeData : 0 512 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_WiredNuma : 32 32 - | 29 29 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Bootstrap : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_GPhysTraced : 810 810 - | 801 809 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_GPhysHWMMU : 4067 4067 - | 3886 3886 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_GPhysGIM : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_GPhysNoTrace : 202 202 - | 30 30 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_PhysMemGart : 88 88 - | 41 81 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_PhysMemErr : 6 6 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_TraceALot : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VIDE : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VMXNETWake : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_BusLogic : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Ahci : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Nvme : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_NVMERings : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_PVSCSIShadowRing : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_LSIRings : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_FTCptScratchAS : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_Hba : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_VProbe : 1 1 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem OvhdMon_PT : 0 0 - | 0 0 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Total anonymous : 8241 9391 - | 7624 8179 - 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: OvhdMem Actual maximum : 8753 | 7625 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: VMMEM: Maximum Reservation: 1394MB (MainMem=7800MB) 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: BALLOON HIST [0, 1996800]: 725 725 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: BALLOON P50 1 P70 1 P90 1 MIN 0 MAX 0 2018-11-27T15:45:18.518+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: SWAP HIST [0, 1996800]: 411 725 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: SWAP P50 1 P70 10 P90 10 MIN 0 MAX 2609 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: LOCK HIST [0, 1996800]: 0 39 37 77 22 230 272 48 0 0 0 0 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: LOCK P50 50 P70 60 P90 60 MIN 4476 MAX 1354531 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: LOCK_TARGET HIST [0, 1996800]: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 725 725 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: LOCK_TARGET P50 100 P70 100 P90 100 MIN 1996800 MAX 2011386 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: ACTIVE_PCT HIST [0, 100]: 0 0 0 21 132 64 66 65 151 1 225 0 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: ACTIVE_PCT P50 80 P70 100 P90 100 MIN 28 MAX 91 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: NUM_VMS HIST [0, 10]: 0 0 725 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: NUM_VMS P50 20 P70 20 P90 20 MIN 1 MAX 1 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: HOSTLOCK HIST [0, 14644992]: 0 725 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: MemSched: HOSTLOCK P50 10 P70 10 P90 10 MIN 4476 MAX 1354531 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'enableDnD' -> '0' 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: GuestRpc: Attempt to send TCLO msg for 'toolbox' while GuestRpc is powering off. 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: GuestRpc: Attempt to send TCLO msg for 'toolbox-dnd' while GuestRpc is powering off. 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'copypaste' -> '0' 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: GuestRpc: Attempt to send TCLO msg for 'toolbox' while GuestRpc is powering off. 2018-11-27T15:45:18.519+08:00| vmx| I125: GuestRpc: Attempt to send TCLO msg for 'toolbox-dnd' while GuestRpc is powering off. 2018-11-27T15:45:18.520+08:00| vmx| I125: HgfsServerManagerVigorExit: Destroy: 2018-11-27T15:45:18.521+08:00| vmx| I125: Tools: ToolsRunningStatus_Exit, delayedRequest is 0x0 2018-11-27T15:45:18.521+08:00| vmx| I125: Tools: Changing running status: 1 => 0. 2018-11-27T15:45:18.522+08:00| vmx| I125: SOUNDLIB: Closing Wave sound backend. 2018-11-27T15:45:18.522+08:00| vmx| I125: GuestRpc: Reinitializing Channel 0(toolbox) 2018-11-27T15:45:18.522+08:00| vmx| I125: GuestMsg: Channel 0, Cannot unpost because the previous post is already completed 2018-11-27T15:45:18.529+08:00| vmx| I125: GuestRpc: Reinitializing Channel 2(toolbox-dnd) 2018-11-27T15:45:18.529+08:00| vmx| I125: GuestMsg: Channel 2, Cannot unpost because the previous post is already completed 2018-11-27T15:45:18.531+08:00| vmx| I125: USB: Disconnecting device 0x10e0f0002 2018-11-27T15:45:18.535+08:00| vmx| I125: MKS thread was already stopped 2018-11-27T15:45:18.541+08:00| mks| I125: MKSControlMgr: disconnected 2018-11-27T15:45:18.542+08:00| mks| I125: MKS-RenderMain: Stopping MKSBasicOps 2018-11-27T15:45:18.547+08:00| mks| I125: MKS PowerOff 2018-11-27T15:45:18.547+08:00| mks| I125: MKS thread is exiting 2018-11-27T15:45:18.552+08:00| usbCCIDEnumCards| I125: USB-CCID: Card enum thread exiting. 2018-11-27T15:45:18.557+08:00| vmx| I125: scsi0:0: numIOs = 78734 numMergedIOs = 15197 numSplitIOs = 462 ( 3.0%) 2018-11-27T15:45:18.557+08:00| vmx| I125: Closing disk 'scsi0:0' 2018-11-27T15:45:18.567+08:00| vmx| I125: AIOWIN32C: asyncOps=79500 syncOps=6 bufSize=272Kb fixedOps=35224 sgOps=0 sgOn=0 2018-11-27T15:45:18.567+08:00| aioCompletion| I125: AIO thread processed 79500 completions 2018-11-27T15:45:19.440+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:1175]: VMAutomationPowerOff: Powering off. 2018-11-27T15:45:19.441+08:00| vmx| I125: Policy_SavePolicyFile: invalid arguments to function. 2018-11-27T15:45:19.441+08:00| vmx| I125: PolicyVMX_Exit: Could not write out policies: 15. 2018-11-27T15:45:19.441+08:00| vmx| I125: WORKER: asyncOps=3 maxActiveOps=1 maxPending=0 maxCompleted=0 2018-11-27T15:45:19.441+08:00| WinNotifyThread| I125: WinNotify thread exiting 2018-11-27T15:45:20.691+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=1, newAppState=1873, success=1 additionalError=0 2018-11-27T15:45:20.691+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4253]: VMAutomation: Ignoring ReportPowerOpFinished because the VMX is shutting down. 2018-11-27T15:45:20.694+08:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting cleanShutdown = "TRUE" 2018-11-27T15:45:20.694+08:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileDeletionRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2)\Windows Server 2008 x64 (2).vmx~): The system cannot find the file specified (2) 2018-11-27T15:45:20.699+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=0, newAppState=1870, success=1 additionalError=0 2018-11-27T15:45:20.699+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4253]: VMAutomation: Ignoring ReportPowerOpFinished because the VMX is shutting down. 2018-11-27T15:45:20.699+08:00| vmx| I125: Transitioned vmx/execState/val to poweredOff 2018-11-27T15:45:20.700+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:4674]: VMAutomationProcessMessage: Abort the command. VMX is shutting down 2018-11-27T15:45:20.700+08:00| vmx| I125: VMX idle exit 2018-11-27T15:45:20.700+08:00| vmx| I125: WQPoolFreePoll : pollIx = 3, signalHandle = 736 2018-11-27T15:45:20.702+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:834]: VMAutomation_LateShutdown() 2018-11-27T15:45:20.702+08:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [2192 mainDispatch.c:783]: VMAutomationCloseListenerSocket. Closing listener socket. 2018-11-27T15:45:20.702+08:00| vmx| I125: Flushing VMX VMDB connections 2018-11-27T15:45:20.703+08:00| vmx| I125: VmdbDbRemoveCnx: Removing Cnx from Db for '/db/connection/#1/' 2018-11-27T15:45:20.703+08:00| vmx| I125: VmdbCnxDisconnect: Disconnect: closed pipe for pub cnx '/db/connection/#1/' (0) 2018-11-27T15:45:20.703+08:00| vmx| I125: VigorTransport_ServerDestroy: server destroyed. 2018-11-27T15:45:20.704+08:00| vmx| I125: WQPoolFreePoll : pollIx = 2, signalHandle = 552 2018-11-27T15:45:20.704+08:00| vmx| I125: WQPoolFreePoll : pollIx = 1, signalHandle = 500 2018-11-27T15:45:20.712+08:00| vmx| I125: VMX exit (0). 2018-11-27T15:45:20.722+08:00| vmx| I125: OBJLIB-LIB: ObjLib cleanup done. 2018-11-27T15:45:20.722+08:00| vmx| I125: AIOMGR-S : stat o=2 r=21 w=0 i=0 br=64496 bw=0
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