Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\lib\com\sun\tools\jdeps\resources\jdeps.class
?? 4 ? ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M Q R S U W X Y [ ] ^ _ ` a b c d f g h k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? R -P -profile Show profile or the file containing a package. -R -recursive Recursively traverse all dependencies. The -R option implies -filter:none. If -p, -e, -f option is specified, only the matching dependences are analyzed.? -apionly Restrict analysis to APIs i.e. dependences from the signature of public and protected members of public classes including field type, method parameter types, returned type, checked exception types etc F -cp <path> -classpath <path> Specify where to find class files ? -depth=<depth> Specify the depth of the transitive dependency analysis N -dotoutput <dir> Destination directory for DOT file output ? -e <regex> -regex <regex> Finds dependences matching the given pattern (-p and -e are exclusive) -f <regex> -filter <regex> Filter dependences matching the given pattern If given multiple times, the last one will be used. -filter:package Filter dependences within the same package (default) -filter:archive Filter dependences within the same archive -filter:none No -filter:package and -filter:archive filtering Filtering specified via the -filter option still applies. = -h -? -help Print this usage messageH -include <regex> Restrict analysis to classes matching pattern This option filters the list of classes to be analyzed. It can be used together with -p and -e which apply pattern to the dependences? -jdkinternals Finds class-level dependences on JDK internal APIs. By default, it analyzes all classes on -classpath and input files unless -include option is specified. This option cannot be used with -p, -e and -s options. WARNING: JDK internal APIs may not be accessible in the next release. ? -p <pkgname> -package <pkgname> Finds dependences matching the given package name (may be given multiple times) B -s -summary Print dependency summary only? -v -verbose Print all class level dependencies Equivalent to -verbose:class -filter:none. -verbose:package Print package-level dependencies excluding dependencies within the same package by default -verbose:class Print class-level dependencies excluding dependencies within the same package by default 8 -version Version information ()V <init> Code Error: ,Invalid classname or pathname not exist: {0}5JDK internal APIs are unsupported and private to JDK implementation that are subject to be removed or changed incompatibly and could break your application. Please modify your code to eliminate dependency on any JDK internal APIs. For the most recent update on JDK internal API replacements, please check: {0} LineNumberTable No profile information SourceFile TUsage: {0} <options> <classes...> use -h, -? or -help for a list of possible options ?sage: {0} <options> <classes...> where <classes> can be a pathname to a .class file, a directory, a JAR file, or a fully-qualified class name. Possible options include: Warning: [Ljava/lang/Object; artifact.not.found #com/sun/tools/jdeps/resources/jdeps err.invalid.arg.for.option err.invalid.path err.missing.arg err.option.after.class err.option.unsupported err.profiles.msg err.unknown.option error.prefix getContents Hhttps://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/JDK8/Java+Dependency+Analysis+Tool invalid argument for option: {0} invalid path: {0} java/lang/Object java/util/ListResourceBundle jdeps.wiki.url main.opt.P main.opt.R main.opt.apionly main.opt.cp main.opt.depth main.opt.dotoutput main.opt.e main.opt.f main.opt.h main.opt.include main.opt.jdkinternals main.opt.p main.opt.s main.opt.v main.opt.version main.usage main.usage.summary no value given for {0} not found ,option must be specified before classes: {0} package {0} defined in {1} {2} unknown option: {0} warn.invalid.arg warn.prefix warn.replace.useJDKInternals warn.split.package {0} not supported: {1} Z \ i j ()[[Ljava/lang/Object; O N ? ? jdeps.java 1 ? ? O N P *? ? T e ? P F .? ?? ?SY6SSY? ?SY!SSY? ?SY"SSY? ?SY5SSY? ?SY7SSY? ?SY>SSY? ?SYSSY? ?SY9SSY? ?SYSSY ? ?#SY SSY ? ?$SYSSY? ?%SYSSY? ?&SYSSY ? ?'SYSSY? ?(SYSSY? ?)SYSSY? ?*SYSSY? ?+SYSSY? ?,SY SSY? ?-SY SSY? ?.SYSSY? ?/SYSSY? ?0SY SSY? ?1SYSSY? ?2SYSSY? ?3SYSSY? ?4SYSSY? ?:SYSSY? ?;SYSSY? ?<SYSSY? ?=SY8SS? T V ?
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