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暂无评分 作者:高民,王亦高编著 出版社:大连出版社 出版日期:2014年07月 ISBN:978-7-5505-0601-5 中图分类:I222.9 ( 文学 > 中国文学 > 诗歌、韵文 > 古代至近代作品(~1919年) > 散曲 )
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封面 书名页 版权页 前言 Preface 目录页 元好问 Yuan Haowen 人月圆·卜居外家东园(重冈已隔红尘断) TUNE:MAN AND MOON Moving to My Mother's East Garden“Hill on hill keeps apart the vanity fair” 小圣乐·骤雨打新荷(绿叶阴浓) TUNE:MINOR SACRED MUSIC Sudden Shower Beating on New Lotus Leaves“Green leaves casting deep shade” 杨果 Yang Guo 小桃红·采莲女(满城烟水月微茫) TUNE:RED PEACH BLOSSOMS The Lotus Gatherer“The dimming moon o'er mist-veiled town and water looms” 杜仁杰 Du Renjie 耍孩儿·庄家不识构阑(风调雨顺民安乐) TUNE:PLAYING THE CHILD A Peasant Knows Not the Theatre“People live happy when in time blows wind and falls rain” 商挺 Shang Ting 潘妃曲(带月披星担惊怕) TUNE:SONG OF PRINCESS PAN“Shivering with fright” 刘秉忠 Liu Bingzhong 干荷叶(干荷叶) TUNE:DRIED LOTUS LEAVES“Lotus leaves dried” 陈草庵 Chen Cao'an 山坡羊·叹世(晨鸡初叫) TUNE:SHEEP ON THE SLOPE O World!“At dawn cock crows” 关汉卿 Guan Hanqing 沉醉东风·别情(咫尺的天南地北) TUNE:INTOXICATED IN EAST WIND Farewell Song“We stand so near yet we'll be poles apart soon” 四块玉·闲适(南亩耕) TUNE:FOUR PIECES OF JADE Life of Easy Leisure“Having tilled the southern field” 杂剧《窦娥冤》第三折选段(没来由犯王法) Dou E as Victim of Injustice(The following is from Act Ⅲ)“Of law breaking I never dreamt” 白朴 Bai Pu 天净沙 TUNE:SUNNY SAND 沉醉东风·渔夫(黄芦岸白渡口) TUNE:INTOXICATED IN EAST WIND Fisherman“The river shore overgrown with yellow reed” 姚燧 Yao Sui 凭阑人·寄征衣(欲寄征衣君不还) TUNE:LEANING ON BALUSTRADE The Winter Garment“If I send winter garment to thee” 王和卿 Wang Heqing 醉中天·咏大蝴蝶(挣破庄周梦) TUNE:A DRINKER'S SKY Song of a Huge Butterfly“Breaking a philosopher's dream” 卢挚 Lu Zhi 沉醉东风·秋景(挂绝壁枯松倒倚) TUNE:INTOXICATED IN EAST WIND Autumn“The frowning cliff thrusts out a bending ancient pine” 马致远 Ma Zhiyuan 天净沙·秋思(枯藤老树昏鸦) TUNE:SUNNY SAND Autumn Thoughts“Over old trees wreathed with rotten vines fly crows” 四块玉·叹世(两鬓皤) TUNE:FOUR PIECES OF JADE O World!“Grey turns my hair” 夜行船·秋思(蛩吟罢一觉才宁贴) TUNE:NIGHT-SAILING BOAT Autumn Thoughts“When crickets sing,I can sleep well” 王实甫 Wang Shifu 《西厢记》第四本第三折《哭宴》选段(不忧文齐福不齐) Weeping at the Farewell Feast(From Act Ⅲ of Scene Ⅳ,Western Wingroom)“I care not if your talent won't build a career” 十二月过尧民歌·别情(自别后遥山隐隐) FROM A YEAR'S END TO FOLKLORE Parting Grief“Since we parted,far-flung hills disappear with you” 薛昂夫 Xue Angfu 塞鸿秋(功名万里忙如燕) TUNE:AUTUMN SWAN ON FRONTIER“Busy for far-flung fame as swallows in flight” 张养浩 Zhang Yanghao 山坡羊·潼关怀古(峰峦如聚) TUNE:SHEEP ON THE SLOPE Thinking of the Past on My Way to Tong Pass“Peaks like brows knit” 真氏 Zhen 解三酲(奴本是明珠擎掌) TUNE:THRICE DRUNK AND SOBERED“I was a bright pearl in my parents'palm” 张可久 Zhang Kejiu 折桂令·西陵送别(画船儿载不起离愁) TUNE:PLUCKING LAUREL BRANCH Farewell at the West Ferry“Our parting grief outweighs your painted boat” 喜春来·永康驿中(荷盘敲雨珠千颗) TUNE:WELCOME TO SPRING At an Inn in Yongkang“Rain beats on lotus leaves drop on drop” 徐再思 Xu Zaisi 朝天子·西湖(里湖,外湖) TUNE:SKYWARD SONG West Lake“In inner lake and outer lake” 周德清 Zhou Deqing 折桂令(倚蓬窗无语嗟呀) TUNE:PLUCKING LAUREL BRANCH“Leaning on windowsill,speechless I sigh” 满庭芳·看岳王传(披文握武) TUNE:COURTYARD FULL OF FRAGRANCE Reading the Biography of General Yue“By word and sword” 钟嗣成 Zhong Sicheng 醉太平·落魄(之一)(绕前街后街) TUNE:INTOXICATED IN TIME OF PEACE A Beggar-scholar(Ⅰ)“I go along the street” 醉太平·落魄(之二)(风流贫最好) TUNE:INTOXICATED IN TIME OF PEACE A Beggar-scholar(Ⅱ)“The poor may be happy in love” 赵善庆 Zhao Shanqing 折桂令·湖山堂(八窗开水月交光) TUNE:PLUCKING LAUREL BRANCH Hall of Lake and Hill“Outside eight windows water dissolves in moonlight” 张鸣善 Zhang Mingshan 普天乐·嘲西席(讲诗书,习功课) TUNE:UNIVERSAL JOY To a Funny Tutor“You teach pupils to read and write” 睢景臣 Sui Jingchen 哨遍·高祖还乡(社长排门告示) TUNE:WHISTLING AROUND Emperor's Home-coming“The village chief announces from door to door” 乔吉 Qiao Ji 山坡羊·冬日写怀(朝三暮四) TUNE:SHEEP ON THE SLOPE Thoughts in Winter“You change along” 小桃红·效联珠格(落花飞絮隔朱帘) TUNE:RED PEACH BLOSSOMS Tip-to-toe Style“Petals fall with willow down outside the screen” 贯云石 Guan Yunshi 塞鸿秋·代人作(战西风几点宾鸿至) TUNE:AUTUMN SWAN ON FRONTIER Written for a Friend“In the west breeze shiver a few dots of wild geese” 红绣鞋(挨着靠着云窗同坐) TUNE:EMBROIDERED RED SHOES“To you I cling,on you I lean” 查德卿 Zha Deqing 柳营曲·金陵故址(临故国) TUNE:SONG OF WILLOW CAMP The Ancient Capital at Jinling“Coming to ancient capital” 唐毅夫 Tang Yifu 一枝花·怨雪(不呈六出祥) TUNE:A SPRIG OF FLOWERS Complaint Against Snow“Is snow of any good?” 班惟志 Ban Weizhi 一枝花·秋夜闻筝(透疏帘风摇杨柳阴) TUNE:A SPRIG OF FLOWERS The Zither Heard on an Autumn Night“On window screen the breeze sways shadows of willow trees” 宋方壶 Song Fanghu 山坡羊·道情(青山相待) TUNE:SHEEP ON THE SLOPE A Carefree Dream“Blue hills greet and love me” 斗鹌鹑·送别(落日遥岑) TUNE:FIGHT OF QUAILS Part ing“At sunset stretch out distant hills” 兰楚芳 Lan Chufang 四块玉·风情 TUNE:FOUR PIECES OF JADE A Maid in Love 无名氏一 Anon 1 朝天子·志感(不读书有权) TUNE:SKYWARD SONG Reflections“Those who can't read are powerful” 无名氏二 Anon 2 红绣鞋(一两句别人闲话) TUNE:EMBROIDERED RED SHOES“You have heard one gossip or two” 无名氏三 Anon 3 庆宣和(寄语寒窗老秀才) TUNE:CELEBRATION OF IMPERIAL REIGN“I tell the old unsuccessful candidate” 无名氏四 Anon 4 折桂令(叹世间多少痴人) TUNE:PLUCKING LAUREL BRANCH“How many in the world are people unwise?” 无名氏五 Anon 5 叨叨令(黄尘万古长安路) TUNE:CHATTERING SONG“Yellow dust raised on royal road since olden days” 无名氏六 Anon 6 寄生草(有几句知心话,本待要诉与他) TUNE:PARASITE GRASS“I would impart to you what's in my heart” 无名氏七 Anon 7 梧叶儿 TUNE:PLANE LEAVES 后折页 封底 ..更多
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